Monday, March 29, 2010

March 29

Hola hola!!!

I think that it would be fine if everyone got together in the airport to wait till I get home. It will be a joyful time that no one will want to miss out on. I don’t know the flight plans yet but I know they are working on them. I will get them the last week. Again EVERYONE FAMILY and FRIENDS are INVITED TO THE AIRPORT. Everyone that wants to come, Welcome. I realize that Sunday is Mothers day and so I will honor it like that.

I have a new companion HNA APONTE from ARENTINA!!!!!! Yeah I’m so excited to have a great transfer! She is an amazing strong convert of 10 years. She is timid and very obedient.

Have a great week!!!!

Hermana Wade

Monday, March 22, 2010

March 22

Mi familia!!!

I can’t believe that I’m starting my last transfer and my last 6 weeks in the mission. It has flown by so fast! I’m going to use my mom’s advice and RUN TILL THE END!!! I have become a great missionary and I have the strongest testimony of the gospel of Jesus Christ, and now is the time to use all of that knowledge and power to the Maximum. I will work 110%! I am going to enjoy the work, love my companion, my members and investigators like Christ would. I want to continue perfecting my teaching skills and my Christ-like attributes. I have so many goals for me and this area I’m so excited to see lots of miracles happen. My only desire is that when I get on that plane I can feel that I did everything that I could and that the Lord can let me know that He accepts my work as a missionary. This is the true church of Jesus Christ. I testify that the Book of Mormon is the word of God. I love this sacred book and I’m grateful to all the prophets and missionaries that were men of God and that sacrificed their lives so that you and I could know the true eternal love that God has for everyone of his children. I know that the plan of God is perfect and that is our responsibility to understand accept and live our lives perfectly so that we can live were we want to live in the end. I testify that God and Jesus Christ live and guide the church today. I testify that Joseph saw God that Father and His Son Jesus Christ face to face. I know that he received the keys of the priesthood so that we can be baptized and sealed for the eternity. I know that missionary work is guided by the Holy Ghost and that His angels are always protecting us. And I know if anyone has any questions they can pray and ask God and He will respond with a peaceful feeling that these things are true.

Hermana Wade

Monday, March 15, 2010

March 15

I just wanted to tell all of you that I LOVE you so much. I’m so thankful for your support and love. I miss you all and I can’t wait to give you all a great big hug and kiss. I’m so excited to catch up on your lives and have a fun and happy summer with my family and friends. I still love being a missionary and I’m using this time to the maximum. There is much to do.

This week was great! I’m so happy to wake up everyday put on my missionary clothes and my missionary plaque. President and Hermana Lovell came to Ancud Chiloe to have interviews. We made a funny video of The Book of Mormon in the version of Dr Seuss. I LOVE President Lovell! He is my mission dad. I learned that my siblings and I don’t need to get re-sealed and that it is the responsibility of each of us to live worthy of the blessings of a temple marriage. I know that this is the true church of God and that He loves us more then we can imagine. This week we had 8 investigators come to church. Hugo is preparing to get baptized April 10th, the week after General Conference! I’m so excited we will be traveling to Castro to watch it. We passed by to say hi to a elderly home and it made me think of my first job. We are still teaching the ‘Hogar de Niñas’ (Girls Home) with 20 girls living in the same house. They live there because their parents have had problems with drugs. I think this is my favorite part of Chile. Every one of my areas is special to me because I know it is where God sent me.

My new email is please forward this to all family and friends because my old address will not work in two weeks. This is important don’t forget.

Con cariño Hermana Wade

Monday, March 8, 2010

March 8

Hola familia!

This week was great! My branch collected food and clothes for the victims in Santiago and Concepcion. We split up into groups and I left to collect. I left with Ines and we had great success even though other organizations had been through the same neighborhoods. We copied lists of all the members of the church and passed by for them. Sunday our President continued to give us classes on how to be prepared for earthquakes and tsunamis.

We are having lots of success and are working with Hugo every day. We invite him to go to FHE with us every night. It is the most joyful feeling to listen to him bare his testimony of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. His parents have passed away and his bad feelings towards God have left too and now he is full of hope and faith. His greatest desire is to be baptized for his dad in the temple and to serve a mission. He spends a lot of time reading the scriptures and sharing with us so that he is not tempted to drink or smoke.

LES AMO MUCH!!! I hope all of you have a great week!

Love Hermana Wade

Saturday, March 6, 2010

The Lord's Earthquake Warning Article

In Chile: The Lord's Earthquake Warning

Editor’s Note: President Larry Laycock and his wife, Sister Lisa Laycock head the Santiago Chile East Mission and had spent the two weeks prior to the 8.8 earthquake visiting each missionary apartment and preparing them for an earthquake. They brought specific instructions on what to do, supplied water purification bottles for the missionaries, told them how to create a 36-hour kit for emergencies and how to stay in communication should an earthquake strike. They prayed with each missionary and dedicated their apartments. Why? Because of a special experience that alerted them to what was coming. They told their missionaries, “If ye are prepared, ye shall not fear.”

They have 171 full-time proselyting missionaries in this mission. Special thanks to the Laycocks for allowing Meridian to publish this letter that Sister Laycock sent to her family shortly after the earthquake sharing their remarkable experience of kindness from the Lord. They are in Chile with their son, Landon. The picture of the missionaries on the cover and in this article were taken at a March 1st gathering. These are post-earthquake smiling faces.

Dear Everyone,
I am writing to let you all know how very grateful we are for your prayers, concern, and love. Please keep praying! We need the Lord's help and guidance in order to do all He would have us do to learn what He would have us learn from this earth quake tragedy, and to minister in the way He would have us minister.

During the past few days, we have witnessed many events which serve to remind us that the Lord is in charge and that as missionaries and members of His church, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, we are performing His work, and as President Monson teaches, "When we are on the Lord's errand, we are entitled to His help." I want to share with you a few miracles that will help you to understand our profound feelings of gratitude.

When we were set apart for this calling, Elder Scott of the Council of the Twelve Apostles taught us many important lessons. He spoke from personal experience when he was a mission president in Argentina. One message that he shared with us is this: "At times, during your mission, you will be awakened in the middle of the night or the early morning hours with thoughts of specific things you should do for certain missionaries. Do not ignore these thoughts. They are promptings from the Holy Ghost who will communicate with you in the stillness of the night or the peace of the early morning hours. He will speak to you then because that is when you are still enough to hear."

Elder Scott further instructed us to keep a notebook beside our bed so that we could record these precious promptings. He said that by the next morning, we would be likely to forget the promptings if we didn't write them down.

We have been astonished at the fulfillment of Elder Scott's prophetic words. We have received many promptings in the exact manner that Elder Scott described. We are so thankful that Elder Scott taught us how to recognize and act upon these precious promptings. Had he not taught us, we may not have given these promptings the attention they require.

Nearly two-and-one-half weeks ago, I was awakened at around 4:00 AM by just such a prompting. I did not hear a voice, but the thought was as clear as if it had been in the form of spoken words: "There is going to be an earthquake. Prepare your missionaries." I sat up in bed and immediately remembered Elder Scott's counsel. That morning I told Larry what had happened. He immediately set to work organizing our missionaries to prepare for an earthquake.

In talking with our office missionaries to arrange for them to put together a list of everything we would need to both Spanish and English...we discovered that the Lord had also let two of our office missionaries know of the possibility of an earthquake (in the form of dreams) and the need to prepare our mission.

We set a goal and arranged our schedule so that we could visit every apartment in the mission to check for safety and to review with our missionaries what to do in case of an earth quake. What a wonderful experience we have had as we have met with them and shared scriptures with them about being spiritually and physically prepared. "...if ye are prepared, ye shall not fear" (D&C 38:30).

We instructed every missionary to have a "go-bag" (36 hour kit). We reviewed our emergency action plan with them of where to go and what to do if they had phone service and in case they did not. We gave everyone a paper with all instructions in English and Spanish, and we reminded them that "this life is the time to prepare to meet God" (Alma 34:32-34). We shared with them our thoughts and feelings about the need for spiritual and physical safety.

Some of them became frightened and asked us if we knew something they didn't know. We smiled and repeated "...if ye are prepared, ye shall not fear." We didn't want to unduly alarm them, but we did want to impress upon them the need to be prepared. We tearfully reminded them of our recent transfer conference where we had shared our feelings about our dear Elder McKay Burrows who was unexpectedly called home in January while serving his mission in he was prepared in every way to meet God. We reissued our challenge to "be prepared" in every way. Then we knelt with them in their apartment and dedicated each apartment, asking for a blessing of safety and security to be upon every apartment.

When the earthquake came, we were prepared. We did not experience the panic that many felt. We knew we were prepared. Because of the words of the Lord's chosen Apostle, Elder Scott, we had listened and heeded the quiet, but clear promptings of the Holy Ghost. We were blessed with peace in the midst of chaos. We learned an important lesson: our preparation helped us to avoid panic and fear, but the Lord, in His wisdom, allowed us to experience enough discomfort to know that He has all power. He is in charge. We are nothing without Him. We are dependent upon Him for every breath we take. Only He can save us from death and destruction. He is the way, the truth, and the life. He is our perfect example. If we follow Him, we will be saved through obedience to the laws and ordinances of His Gospel.

As the earthquake became more violent, the mission home groaned and wailed. The power died, so the whole city was black. The windows made a hideous screeching sound, and flying objects banged against swaying walls. The printer/fax machine, books, book ends, and fifty-pound television burst from the entertainment center and crashed to the floor, cabinets emptied, drawers flew open, the refrigerator moved, water sloshed out of the toilets, the floor jolted up and down as we ran across it trying to hold onto the walls to keep from falling down, and the piano toppled over like a small toy. As we made our way to the back yard, I remember thinking, "God is all-powerful. He is our only refuge from this horrible mess." I prayed and prayed for Him to still the earth.

When we reached the back yard, we watched in terror. By the light of the moon we could see the swimming pool water form giant waves and crash out onto the rocks. House and car alarms screamed into the night...some from being crushed by falling debris and others, I guess, from the bizarre movement of the earth. I am not sure if the intense rumbling sounds came from the earth itself or from everything else that was shaking so violently. Finally, it stopped.

When the calm came, we had to sit down because our legs were weak and unstable. My legs stayed wobbly all day and night yesterday. Today the muscles in my legs hurt like I ran a marathon. The aftershocks have been extremely unsettling. Each one begins like the one last night started. We just close our eyes and wait to see if it escalates or dies down. .I have never experienced anything like this!

We were awakened this morning by a very strong after shock. Larry jumped out of bed and yelled, "Welcome to another glorious day in Chile!" We just had to laugh. We moved a mattress into the floor in our bedroom and made Landon sleep in our room. He was in his room with the door locked the night before and we couldn't wake him up. He never locks his door, but he was playing a joke on Larry because every morning Larry wakes him at 5:30 AM for seminary by tickling him unmercifully. So Landon had decided to stop him.

When we couldn't open his door, in the middle of the quake, we thought he was trapped, so we screamed and banged. Landon thought that everything was falling off the walls because we were banging so hard on the door. I think we scared him more than the earthquake did!

Today, we attended a strong ward where Larry was invited to speak. The entire chapel and beyond was filled. People were so humble and so teachable. Larry taught the importance of doing the small things. He taught about Jesus Christ and the opportunity we have to love one another and to share what we have with others.

It was a great blessing for us to be with these beautiful Chilean people. Some have lost their homes...or at least parts of their homes. But they are strong and they want to serve the Lord. He taught of the scripture in Luke 21:11,13 which says, "and great earthquakes shall be in divers places...and it shall turn to you for a testimony." He also welcomed the sweet young woman who was in the congregation with the missionaries...her first time attending church...and then he invited her to be baptized from the pulpit. He asked her to please invite us to her baptism, and she said, "I will." The Lord always knows what His people need.

Landon was reading in Alma 15:17 today. He said, Mom listen to this. This is what is happening here in Chile just like in happened in Ammonihah. The people were humbled and "checked as to the pride of their hearts and began to humble themselves before God, watching and praying continually that they might be delivered from Satan, and from death, and from destruction."

Our hearts are filled to the brim with gratitude for all of the blessings we have received in the Chile Santiago East Mission. We see miracles every day. In the midst of great pain and suffering, we can always find our Savior. He stands with His arms open, pleading for all of us to humble ourselves and come unto Him. He loves us. He invites us to accept His gift...the atonement. He invites us to repent. He wants us to love one another and to serve one another. He wants us to bring our families and those we love to Him. We can do it. We can do all that He asks, no matter how difficult it may seem. "With God all things are possible"

We are having a devotional tomorrow for all of our missionaries to talk about the last week of Christ's life in preparation for Easter. We want to remind our missionaries to teach and preach with increased vigor of Christ. Last Monday in our office meeting, Larry suddenly stopped in the middle, and said, "During the prayer, I had a very strong impression that March 2010 is going to be our best baptizing month we have ever had in this mission."
Now we know why he received that feeling. We are going to prepare to bring many souls to the waters of baptism in March. Please continue to pray for us and for the people of Chile. Please pray for the missionaries to have strength and courage to do all that is being required of them, even in difficult times.

We are so thankful that the tsunami did not turn out badly in Hawaii. Who would ever think that an earthquake in Chile could threaten the shores of Hawaii? Thankfully, the Lord is in charge. He is the one to whom we must turn for refuge from every storm. He has the power to save us.

Editor’s Note:
The letter ends here, but President and Sister Laycock told us:
“We’ve never experienced anything like the earthquake. We have had 90 aftershocks, some stronger than others. Our legs are wobbly. It is a scary feeling to experience an aftershock because it brings back all the feelings we had during the earthquake.

“We love being with our missionaries. Because they were prepared, they were immediately able to turn their attention to helping others. They were never concerned about themselves. They were concerned with those who need help and by mid-morning the day of the earthquake, we were able to dispatch them to help others. We told them to investigate the needs of their neighbors and help in any way they could.

President Laycock noted, “The Spanish translation of Luke 21:13 says that there will be earthquakes in many places, and it will give you the occasion to bear testimony. We met with 10 sisters this morning, and one of them mentioned a neighbor next door whom they always asked if she would have time to speak with them, and she always said no. Yet in the crescendo of the toll of the earthquake, she was speechless with fear and not prepared. When the sisters said, ‘Could we pray with you?’, she answered, ‘I have time to pray with you.’ It opened the door to a teaching opportunity to share the gospel.

President and Sister Laycock said, “Everyone we talk to has been so willing to talk about Christ and God’s power. We’ve been sharing God’s love with them. We are seeing God’s love everywhere. People are reaching out to one another. They are serving one another. The news reports looting. We are seeing a different side. We are seeing people who want to communicate with God, who are sincerely looking for the truth.”

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Church Responding to Chile Earthquake

Leaders of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Chile are actively assisting in relief efforts and determining how the Church can be of most assistance in the wake of one of the most powerful earthquakes of the last century. With over half a million Latter-day Saints living in the country, the Church has a substantial presence in Chile.

Local leaders and members began relief efforts shortly after the quake distributing food and water already located in Concepción. Early reports indicate that one Church member has died (this is a correction from a previous report that stated three Church members were presumed dead).

Church leaders have identified that food, water, tents, blankets, hygiene kits and sleeping mats are needed to assist people in the affected region. Representatives of the Church in Chile have been in contact with the country’s Interior Ministry to determine how the Church can most appropriately assist in relief efforts. Emergency response personnel at Church headquarters are poised to provide assistance as appropriate.

Leaders of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Chile delivered six tons of food from local bishops' storehouses to the city of Talca on 2 March to help meet needs in several cities north of Concepción. A second shipment of 20 tons of food is expected to reach Concepción on 3 March. Two additional shipments of food have been sent to affected areas to the south of Concepción.

“While any loss of life and destruction of great magnitude is a tragedy, we don’t anticipate that the situation in Chile will be nearly as devastating as what we’ve seen in Haiti,” said Lynn Samsel, director of emergency response for the Church.

Most Latter-day Saint meetinghouses in Chile fared well in the quake, though many are filled with dust. At least three meetinghouses suffered extensive structural damage, and another was severely flooded. A house that also served as a meetinghouse was swept away in the tsunami triggered by the earthquake.

Contact has been made with all missionaries. All are reported safe and many are assisting in relief efforts. Missionaries who are unable to return to their apartments are staying with members or in meetinghouses. While communication has been somewhat unreliable for local Church leaders, they have had their best success communicating through text messages.

The epicenter of the magnitude 8.8 earthquake was located off the central coast of Chile, causing significant damage in the nearby cities of Santiago and Concepción.

The shaking lasted about three minutes, buckling highways and snapping utility lines. Transportation, communication and electrical power were severed across much of the country. Chilean officials have confirmed more than 720 people died in the earthquake, with more confirmed casualties expected in the coming days.

An estimated two million Chileans have been affected by the earthquake, with at least 500,000 homes sustaining considerable damage. Dozens of aftershocks, some registering as high as 6.9 on the Richter scale, continued to rattle the region over the weekend.

Those wishing to donate to the Church Humanitarian Aid Fund can do so here. from the Church Humanitarian Aid Fund make it possible for the Church to conduct humanitarian activities all over the world. One hundred percent of all contributions are used to help the needy.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

March 2

Hola familia!

I received permission from Sister Lovell to write to you all today because yesterday the computer died while I was in the middle of reading your emails when the light went out. Don’t worry I’m okay and safe! Thanks for your prayers!

I had a fantastic week! We have been teaching a boy named Hugo Hernan Concha Barria. He was a reference from a member. He has been progressing so much!! His mother died when he was six, and his father died about a year ago. It has been hard for him to believe in God but now he has completely changed his life in a week. I love the big changes that people make in their lives when they hear the Restored Gospel of Jesus Christ.

We had an awesome p-day on Monday. It was a time of great joy and peace! We went to see the penguins in Puñihuil! The best part was because I met some new friends from Israel and they invited me to stay with them in their house when I make a trip! How cool! I want to go check out BYU-Jerusalem, BYU-Hawaii! I have a new goal to learn 5 languages!