Monday, August 31, 2009

Aug 24- 31‏

Hello from VILLARICA!!

The change was hard to leave my companion, my members and my investigators in Radimadi because it was unexpected and fast. But change is good! The Cifuentes family didn’t want me to leave and asked my companion to call the president to receive different revelation but my companion and I wouldn’t. I know that President Lovell receives revelation for us. It’s like Nephi I will go and do the things which the Lord has commanded because I know he doesn’t command anything unless He prepares a way. I would be devastated to think of all the opportunities that I would be missing out on if I didn’t act exactly when He wanted this transfer.

My new companion is Hermana Melissa Guevara from Salvador. I have had 3 companions from Salvador now, which means that I definitely need to go to Salvador after the mission! She is 21 too and her birthday is in November 30 1987. I love her we are going to be another great companionship. It is a new responsibility being the older in age and in the mission.

Villarica is so beautiful. I live close to a Volcano called Villarica and Llaima. My address is Reca Barren 940 and our chapel is on Julio Segar. Camping EDEN on Costa Nera Street is where I eat lunch everyday with my mamita. My Mamita is a return missionary from Conception and is so cool. I love her love story with Papito because she gave his name and address to the missionaries there in Punta Arenas, then he came to Villarica to find the mamita and was baptized. Papito is crazy and really funny. They treat us like their real kids and call us their daughters. They don’t have any kids but I want to see them have kids. It would be a miracle but everything is possible with God.

The Volcan branch has a great need of united families. We are going to experience a grand miracle this Saturday because Patricio Mora has decided to get baptized. The Mora-Morales family has been converted one by one over the past year and finally with the dedication of Hna Guevara and Hna Moemai he has come to understand that this is the will of God. They studied they prayed and followed the Spirit. He has asked Gustavo a 15 year old boy to baptize him which will be a very humbling experience for the both, then our Branch President Maldonado will give him the gift of the Holy Ghost, and President Lovell will give him the Priesthood on the 26th! How exciting!! My companion and I have felt the calling to convert President Maldonado’s wife because she isn’t a member and makes it hard on him to do his calling. I haven’t met her yet but I felt the spirit so strong as she was talking about how we are going to help them. She is a teacher of English and so I know that we will win her heart and if she accepts us she will accept our message of Jesus. We are planning on helping 4 other families that have spouses that are not members. That just doesn’t work out in God’s plan. I realize that everyone has their free agency and that God doesn’t force us to do anything. I need to love, learn, teach, work and be patient with everyone. I don’t know everything and that is why I leave all the wisdom and judgment up to God. I have noticed here on the mission that the commandments have been here for a long time but a lot of people think that they are exceptions to the rules but that is why we are here as missionaries to teach.

I want to see a lot of miracle here in Villarica. I have been taught all my life of miracles that God has done in the life of others and I know that he can in mine and in the life of the people I serve here, and in my own family. Don’t loose the faith and work work work everyday.

Today like always I cleaned the house with my companion to start off the transfer right. The land lady came and helped us buff our floors and next week we need to wash all of the dirty blankets in the house. The house is more like a cabin and is made out of wood. I like organizing and changing the house the first p-day so that we can write letters and play on the others.


Love Hermana Wade

Monday, August 24, 2009

Aug 17- 24‏

Familia mio,

Sunday was so great! It was a blessing to see the fruits of our work here this transfer with Hna Vallejos! The Murillo family attended church, which is the family of my branch mission leader German.

The Cifuentes Family cat died. I started the fast alone but then thought it would be better to fast with them and my companion so that they could receive a testimony of fasting but when we past by their house that day the cat had died. I have learned a lot of lessons from this; one that I will never wait to fast, and two that you don’t make the rules for God you just obey His will. Luckily, they are over that. Rodrigo, Marcela, and Kayla are going to church and Marcela told a member that she is realizing more and more everyday that this is Gods church and this is where she needs to be and stay. Kayla attended the young women’s class today because Hna Angelica Holgins invited her and got her all excited about completing the Young Women’s Program.

Then Hno Jorge Muños is an excommunicated member that I have been working with. I really love this family. I will never forget that Sunday when I sat next to his wife Miriam and she rest her head on my shoulder and cried during the sacrament meeting. She is such an example to me as she patiently waits for her husband to come out of these dark ages. He was an active member but he committed a sin and he was humble enough to go through that repentance process and he told his ward leaders. He accepted his excommunication but now he is finding all the little faults or misinterpretations in our branch president. I was thinking about the stories in the Bible of when one person is trying to help the other cast a mote out of his eye when he has a beam in his own eye, the scripture teaches that we need to fix our greater problems before we focus on the problems of other. But I shared the scripture in the beginning of Mathew that say love, pray and do well to your enemies. Then it teaches that we need to forgive if we want God to forgive us. I have this more then clear and I have seen this in my family. I have also absolute experienced bliss when one of my family members forgave the others. We need to ask our selves how long we are going to let Satan control us with these bad feelings. In the end really we are only damaging our lives here in this life and that feeling will last for all eternity. This life is too short to not love every single one of our brothers and sisters the way Jesus loves us.

Really I’m bummed because I got news today that I’m going to leave Radimadi in La Unión. I’m sad because Hna Vallejos and I had a lot of plans for this next transfer with lots of baptisms, birthdays, and the Independence Day of Chile which is September 18th. I wanted to be here for her last transfer her in the mission because I know it will be hard for her. But that is what we learn in this great Church that is lead by God and we believe in Revelation through our leaders and we accept te challenge with a challenge. I will be serving in the great zone of VILLARICA!! I am excited about it because it is the most south part of the mission, so now I have served in the coldest south part and now I’ll be serving in the warmer north part.

Wow I can’t explain all the wonderful miracles that I was able to experience. I wasn’t able to baptize the Cifuentes family but I know that I did make a difference in the lives of a lot of less active members. There is one inactive sister that has rejected contact from the church for the past 25 years, and my companion and I were able to be there to listen to her story and to help her back into the light of Christ through the Book of Mormon because she has felt so depressed with her son in jail for killing two people. There are big battles of divorcement with other investigators and people dieing of cancer. Many people with real life problems and it is humbling to think that God has total confidence in me and so do the people.

Love Hermana Wade

Monday, August 17, 2009

Aug 10- 17

Family and friends

This week was good. It wasn’t perfect because we were not as successful as we know it can be, but now we had our companionship inventory and are now refocused. It is amazing how we have received this great calling to invite all the children of God unto Christ through baptism and how my companion and I constantly need to be thinking and talking about His Great Work and Glory so that we can be diligent and obedient. It can be overwhelming to think about the responsibility that we have but we know that that is the reason why God has restored the organization of His church newly on the earth again.

I LOVE Hna Maria Vallejos! She has helped me set goal to read the entire Bible. Write now I’m reading the New Testament in English and Spanish. As I also have restarted reading the Book of Mormon in Spanish for the second time. I finished putting the Preach My Gospel stickers in my scripture and all the investigators love them and all the missionaries want them.

I am guessing that I will be with Hna Vallejos for her last transfer and I’m really sad to let her go. She fills that I’m going to ‘kill’ her here in Radimadi when she returns to her home in Perú. Her family lives there in the Jungles of Perú with all the Anacondas and all types o serpents. You can imagine all of the stories that she has. I think I’ll go visit her one day. We are still working on her English so that she can accomplish her dream of living there in the US. She received a letter that a lot of things have changed there in her family so she is expecting or preparing for the worst and they are advising her to accept all the great opportunities that will be given to her here in Chile or there in the US. I’m worried about her going home and I want to personally know that someone will be there to pick her up. I want to be her companion there in Perú when she returns I want to cry when I think about her being there all alone because her family hasn’t written her for months.

We had the greatest Family Home Evening with the Cifuentes family in the house of the mamitas Edith and Anita Parra. I felt the Spirit and the greatest joy to listen to the testimonies that this family has. Rodrigo and Marcela have become ‘dry mormons’ and are only missing the water. Rodrigo is so cute because he is patiently waiting until his family receives this desire to be baptized too. He even ends in the name of Jesus Christ Amen every time he bares his testimony. Marcela now knows that Joseph is a prophet. Yesterday she told us that if my companion and I fast and pray for her cat to be saved from the deathly sickness that he has she will understand that miracle as the profound answer that she is looking for and has told us that she will be baptized at the end of this month. Then Rodrigo was excited because he told us that would mean that they would be baptize together. He is already making plans and is making his temple marriage goal known to everyone! He doesn’t want to obligate his daughters to be baptized but he doesn’t want to wait for his daughter Roxanna because she doesn’t have much time to be there during the lessons. I’m looking for ways to get her more interested because Lesly being the oldest loves everyone and doesn’t want Roxanna to be left behind so she stays at home with Roxanna when she is being lazy.

I would feel better if they fasted with us so that they could receive a testimony of the power of fasting. I felt a little un-easy about this challenge and hope that it is pleasing unto God that I am fasting for this purpose. They were taking about we need to be more faithful as members and fast for miracles to heal the bone cancer that Hna Vallejos mother has. I was so glad that German our mission leader was there to bear his testimony of when this ward fasted and prayed when his mother was on her death bed and the doctors didn’t know what it was and how she was saved and healed.

I know that that is why I will continue to fast pray and fight for my family because I will never loose the faith that they can be an eternal family.

Have a great week!

Hermana Krista Wade

Monday, August 10, 2009

Aug 3- Aug 10‏

My dear family and friends!

This Sunday my companion and I were asked to give talks in sacrament meeting and the topic was ours to choose. Saturday night when we got home my companion and I were doing our nightly routine as we were thinking about what we could talk about. Then as I was changing out of my wet clothes from the rainy weather that day, the Spirit told me exactly what to talk about and what points I needed to cover. It was the coolest thing. Then my companion asked me what I was going to be talking about and I said ‘Love’ and then she smiled and showed me her paper that said ‘charity and love’ and that is proof right there that the Spirit communicates to my companion and I, it’s proof that if it is right then He will tell us both the same thing, and it is proof that my branch needed to hear, to feel, and show more love.

I’m so thankful for the pure love of Christ which is charity.
Here are my favorite scriptures about love….

Mathew 22:36-40, Love god with all your heart, might, and mind. Love your neighbor as thy self.

2 Nephi 31:20, have perfect hope+ love for God and all men +delighting in the words of Christ+ and enduring to the end = ETERNAL LIFE
I know that we can express our love as we listen to others, cry with them, give service, pray for their well being, help them know the gospel, and be their friend.

John 15:9-15 Be a disciple of Christ. Be obedient and keep the commandments. Dwell in His love and joy. We are not servants of the Lord because servants don’t know what our Lord does, but rather we are friends because we know all the things that our Lord does.

I love 1John 3:7-10, all them that love is BORN of God. If we love God we will keep His commandments and be baptized by water and by fire. God sent His Son Jesus to suffer for all of our SINS. It is hard to understand the great love that they have for us. In love there is NO FEAR. How can we not have love for our brother that we see and then turn and say that we love God who we have not seen? It isn’t possible. We need to love everyone to love God and become like Them.

I think the answer to that one is in D&C 112:11 Read it. He knows your heart and has heard your prayers about your brothers….love all men and all those that love my name.
D&C 12:8 be humble, full of love, faith, hope, charity…love is CONFIDENCE.

I would invite all who read this to think about how you can express your love in the way that God wants you to this week. Is there someone that you have talked bad about this week? Is there someone that you need to forgive? Is there someone that you need to ask for forgiveness? When are you going to relieve this weight of negative feelings from your minds and from your book of life? How do you feel about your thoughts and actions that are written on your book of life that is talked about in the Doctrine and Covenants?

Luke 6:32-36

Moroni 7:48, the prophet Mormon taught we must pray with all the energy of our heart that we will be filled with the charity of Christ at that Last Day because terrible will be our state if we don’t have His Love.

We must not let those negative feelings of anger, jealousy, judgment overpower us because it is feelings taught by Satan. Pray for the strength to understand others points of view, be patient and help them when they have difficulties and challenges.

Love is action. TE AMO MUCHO!!

Hermana Wade

Monday, August 3, 2009

July 26- Aug 3‏

Hola mi familia!

My companions say that I talk a lot in my dreams and it makes them all laugh because it is in Spanish. Last night, my companion wanted to video tape me because I said, “Te quiero! Te quiero!” which means, “I love you! I love you!” It’s kind of embarrassing as a missionary to have love dreams but I’m just a loving person. I wish I knew who it was because I don’t remember when I wake up. It started with Hermana Rivas and I didn’t want to believe her but now Hermna Vallejos said the same so it’s a fact. She even said that I laugh in my dreams! LOL! Man, I wish I remembered my dreams because obviously they are very entertaining. My companion wants to meet my future husband; she says that he will be so happy with me because I’m very loving and funny. She also said that I’m going to be a great mom because I clean and organize things really good.

My companion wants to marry an Asian and now a deaf man. She is so funny. I’ll have to talk some sense into her because both of the languages are difficult and she still needs to learn English! She wants to learn sign language because we passed by for an old investigator and this mom was all worried about her teenage son because he was suppose to be home by 3pm and it was 6pm so I asked if we could offer a prayer there on the sidewalk so that she could feel at peace and that her son would come home soon. Then as we were talking to her out side her house to help get her mind on something else, he walked up speaking Spanish Sign Language. I really want to learn SSL! I think I’ll be able to learn it quick because I know ASL, so I’m excited!!

We are struggling with the Cifuentes family because they don’t want to get baptized August 8 because they don’t feel they have a testimony of Joseph Smith so my companion and I are going to help them understand that really he is the prophet of the restoration of the gospel of Jesus Christ. We were so happy that the whole family attended church for the first time. The dad always attends and is ready for baptism but this is the first times that Roxana attended. Everyone would like to see the family be baptized at the same time. But at times I think if one is so sure and makes the decision to be baptized that they shouldn’t wait. Because salvation is personal but exaltation is the whole family. This situation requires a lot of prayers communication and patients. My companion is worried that they know too much of the profound doctrine of the church before they had a testimony of the basics and that is why it is harder for them to make the choice. Well we have a lot of enthusiasm for this week because it will be another beautiful week full of miracles and the tender mercies of the Lord.