Monday, December 14, 2009

Dec 7-14

Hola mi querido familia!

Te amo mucho! My week was great! My companion and I are working very hard and our Readers our very pleased with us. It’s a good feeling to have on the mission because a lot of missionarys never are satisfied with there work. I know that there is always room for improvement and I keep myself motivated.

This week we had a great practice with the elders how we can find the problems of the investigators by asking a few simple questions. I felt like this practice really helped me and has made a big difference on the way my companion and I are teaching. I was able to put it into action and find out the needs of Estefanys and Emilio. He has been worried all this time about how and when he can ask Estefany for her hand in marriage. Haha! It’s cute and also irritating! Cute because he is a grown man scared as a little boy that Estefany will say YES!!! It’s irritating because I knew that that is a challenge that I would have and I knew that Emilio had this problem but I never thought about talking to him about it.

I don’t remember if I told you all but we had a very successful Sunday a week ago and had 11 investigators in the church! It was a great blessing from God for all our hard work.

Im excited for this christmas, it will be sweet, humble, and full of love and service. Always remember that I love you all, and that there is a missionary here in Chile that is praying for you. May God be with you. TE AMO!

Hermana Wade

Monday, December 7, 2009

Nov 30- Dec7

Hola familia!

This week was fantastic! We are working hard and seeing lots of miracles! ELEVAN investigators attended church this week! That was so amazing! It was nice to see the fruits of all our work. I know this will help us see more baptisms. We were praying and fasting specifically for our investigators with baptism dates and we saw results. We ran into one of the elders investigators to get her excited to get baptized. Then the elders ran into ours to get him excited about baptism and to be his guardian angel when he decided not to drink when ColoColo was playing soccer. Then we finally talked to the mom of Michael and Sebastian so that they could get baptized and she was receptive.

Thanks to my leaders we were really focused on getting to know the needs of the people. I’m still trying to get this “Vision of Baptisms “that the Area President is talking about. I have been doing things backwards sometimes and focusing on other lessons like Word of Wisdom, Eternal Matrimony, Law of Chastity, the Restoration, the Sabbath Day and not focusing on the importance of baptism. I think it is because when I challenge the investigators to be baptized they usually understand that that is what God wants them to do so they accept to prepare for a specific date. Then we found out they have problems and are disobeying one of the commandments so it stops the process until they decide to be obedient.

Monday I was sad and confused and I didn’t know what to do. I had challenged a couple to be baptized a week before and they accepted but then Estefany said that she was confused and didn’t want me to pressure her to get married. Hermana Mirela said that it would be better if they chose a date to get married so then they don’t get mad at me latter if they decide to get divorced. But then my leaders say that we need to make the date challenge the people.

All I know is that I want to teach with more power and faith. I think that is what they are missing. Faith with action.

That’s all folks!!! I LOVE YOU!!!

Hermana Wade

Ps I haven’t got any emails yet but I’m hoping the system will let me get all of your past emails another day. Don’t worry about me. I’m working hard and loving the mission. I might need you to send the email since november...

Monday, November 30, 2009

Nov 23- 30

Hola familia!

This week was really great. My companion and I are progressing with our goals and making them a reality. I’m so excited for all of our investigators because now they all have this goal to be baptized, it has been hard, but I’m expecting to see lots of miracles to happen at the end of the month. I’m busy teaching, trying to get my friends married and baptized here in Villarrica.

Tuesday we had our Zone Conference in Valdivia. It was really great because I always feel like I have so much to change and do better. This conference was focused on how we need to work with the members. We also focused on how to teach with good questions so that the investigators understand and apply the scriptures to their lives. I also loved how President Lovell focused on the love that we need to have for the work, the investigators, and love for God.

Some blessings that happened this week was when my companion felt to go down a street that we didn’t have in our planes. I knew she had received revelation but when we knocked the first door at the man rejected us trying to speak in English before we could even say “hola”. I prayed that we could find the family that was waiting for us, and then I knocked on the door and found the family. We are a great team! The husband is from Columbia, Victor, and his wife, Lorena, is Chilean. Their daughter Tammara is 8-years-old and Daniel is 6 months. We also sang “I am a child of God” to a bus driver to cheer him up it was a cool experience!

My companion is a really great missionary. I’m learning so much from her. I hope I can become more like her. I’m trying to become a good mix of all the different attributes that I have seen here on my mission. I LOVE YOU ALL!!!

I had a great p-day in cabin of family Allende to de-stress a bit and we ate a great big meal. Hna Rosita helped me with some things I’m doing for Christmas for the ward.

Thanks for sending your emails to President Lovell. I got them. I’ll be able to read the rest tomorrow because i have to come back to copy all the letters I have onto the pin drive that I just bought. Thanks.


Monday, November 23, 2009

Nov 16- 23


This is the second week that I haven't gotten any emails. Please forgive me if I have said anything to offend all of you. Don't forget I love you a lot. I hope everything is great and that you have a great thanksgiving day! I am so thankful for everyone of you for being a big part of my life.

I have a surprise.....I have a GRINGA companion!! She is from Las Vegas, Nevada! Her name is Hermana Elizabeth Whisenhunt! The members had a hard time pronouncing her name but they eventually got it. She is 6ft tall with big beautiful blue eyes. I love how everyone just stares. Everyone understands here that she looks more German when we were walking down the street someone shouted out “GUTEN TAG” which means “Good Day” in German.

I LOVE MY COMPANION!! She is a great missionary that loves to keep the mission rules. She has been a great help to me about the mission schedule. She was an answer to my prayers. She understands the importance of prayer, fasting, planes and the schedule. We are going to reach our goals here on the mission together. She also loves hiking and working out so we are going to have some fun too. I’m glad that I will have a companion that I can see more often then again I’ve only ben to Vegas three times with the marching band and once with the family.This week Hermana Guevara said bye to a lot of the members and the investigators that had an impact on her. It was sad to see her go but changes are good for us and helps us grow. I’m happy for her because she got just what she wanted to be with my other Salvador companion Hermana Rivas and now they are in Osorno as a trio.

That same day that Hermana Whisenhunt came I stopped by for Fransisco who is the step dad of two converts and a man that is living with a less active member Otilia. We have been sharing with him for about 2 months he has attended the church twice and he still dosen’t like it because it is different then what he is use to in the Evangelist church. He was a preacher for a couple of years but now he doesn’t want to pray. I talked to him about the scripture in 2 Nephi that says that the devil teaches a man not to pray and the Holy Ghost teaches a man that he should pray always. It is so true. I really want him to progress but he can’t if he is not praying personally or with us. He dosen’t understand that his relationship is bad and that is why it is bad with his girlfriend. He wants to get married but Hermana Otilia dosen’t want to get married to another man that isn’t a member. I pray that I will know his need and that the spirit can always be there when we teach I think we are going to talk about the Holy Ghost because his understanding is different. I was insisting that he could give the closing prayer so that he could open the windows of heaven and talk to God for the first time in a long time. He said I was “porfiado” which means that I insist too much. I started to cry because he dosen’t understand that we are trying to help him have a better relationship with God and his girlfriend. He felt really bad that I was crying and said that he would pray the next time. Hermana Otilia attended church alone this Sunday it is really sad to me that he is letting his pride separate his family. Hermana Otilia said that he is hard hearted and that they are going to separate before he gets baptized. I am going to keep passing so he understands more. I want them to be an eternal family.

Hermana Wade

Monday, November 16, 2009

Nov 9- 16

Hello loved ones!

Well it looks like no one wrote me for the first time in the mission. Haha very funny. I’m sure there is a good explanation but I hope everything is ok because it’s not usual.

This week was good. We are teaching Michael and his brother Sebastian and they are dynamite! I love them like my little brothers! They are so special to me because I had contacted him one day in the street and I fixed an appointment with him and wasn’t able to pass by and then one day God being loving and merciful led me by his door and I felt an urge go through one gate to contact the family that lived in the back of another house and when Michael (Caupolican 1540B) opened the door he said he had been waiting for me! I felt embarrassed that I had forgot him because we talk to so many people everyday that it is hard to remember all of them I was so grateful that God gave me a second chance to bless this boy and his big family with the joyful message that I have been send to give him. Sebastian has really changed too! He is such a bright innocent kid. He listens to us and feels the Spirit and knows that we teach the truth. I love how sweet and pure little children are and that is why I Love the scripture Mosiah 3:19! Children are obedient, humble, and full of love. Ramon and his brother Carlos are recent converts and are helping us teach them and be their friends.

We have been passing by for Hna Loreto that is in-active. It’s sad to see her miss out on so many blessings that her family could have but it’s just because she doesn’t understand and her pride gets the best of her. She has a great man but dosen’t want to get married. She has a bad relationship with her oldest twin daughters that are 10 years old because the oldest wants to get baptised but the mom won’t let her because she lies. Pati is a good girl, I know that things would be a lot better if she had the support of her parents and the gift of the Holy Ghost to help her make good decisions. Pati said that her primary teacher told her that if she didn’t get baptized the sin would be on the head of her parents and of course Loreto was upset by this but it’s true and she can’t be mad at God for the truth. God has blessed her with 4 beautiful kids and one on the way. It makes me sad that way she talks to her kids and she dosen’t even want to say prayers. We made her comite to having FHE with her family every week. I am hoping to see big great results.

My companion and I are focused on having lessons with members and we have been seeing great miracles. We have found less actives and have found old investigators. Which has also been a great way to find new people to teach.A less active member, Laura, found us in the street and she wanted us to pass by her house right away and so right after the appointment that we had we stopped by. She was frustrated and didn’t know what to do about her husband that had left her and her kids. She told us that this happened 10 years ago because he had 7 other kids with 7 other women. She was worried about money but I told her the best thing that she could do is get divorced to him and start attending church so that she could be ok in the sight of the Lord.

Emilio and Estefanys are good and we taught them about following the prophet with Hno Patricio. We didn’t talk about marriage because we think they are burned out by the topic. It is hard to work with people that don’t understand the great value of being obedient.

We talked to Eliseu who is ‘Atheist’. He dosen’t understand God and he told us that Satan visits him in his dreams. He likes the Mormons because he admires how the pioneers made the long trip and because we are good at farming and because of the old belief of many wives. It is sad to see the way Satan destroys good men. My companion couldn’t help but laugh at this couple because his wife is a loud Catholic woman and is always screaming at her deaf husband.

We visited Yerty with the Allende family and I loved how special they make our investigators feel. They took the time to tell her that they felt very special in her presents and that they knew that she would be a great member someday.

Then the Allende family got to know Alicia and Luis who are catholics as my companion and I did service washing dishes. I loved how they taught and shared scriptures with them because they were catholics before too. Hno Allende shared his testimony with authority and challenged Luis to prepare to hold the priesthood. They are reading the book of mormon and they think it is really interesting. They are Mapuche (which is the indians in Chile) so my companion and I hope that they see how the people in the BOM are the same.

The “papitos” are serious about getting separated. I don’t understand people that can let little things get the better of them. If only there was more love, forgiveness, and understanding that we let into our hearts. Why don’t people take the baptism covenant and the temple covenant more seriously. Do they understand that their salvation is at stake? I know for a fact that it is because small and simple things that we do or don’t do everyday that will be for our salvation or destruction. Like in all cases it is because they are not reading the scriptures, saying companion prayer, and working on Sundays. We will be having a FHE with them this week together hopefully so that we can talk them out of it. This will make it hard to baptize the dad of Ida and to activate her family now that they are thinking about separation.Really separation can happen to anyone that is not daily trying to make things better.

Fransisco refused to sing a hymn, say a prayer and talk to us about religion. But we did anyways. He wants to get married to Hna Otilia but she wont get married to him unless he is a member. He has a lot of pride and dosen’t understand God. He dosen’t want to pray, read scriptures, or attend our church because he was raised Evangelical. But as my companion showed him that all of these bad feelings come from Satan and not from God he told us that we would attend church with us and then that evening attend his church to see the difference in Spirit.

Well I think my companion is going to be leaving me. We ate lunch with the Elders but they didn’t want to tell us the changes so I guess the next week will be a surprise for you too to know if I have a new companion or not. I know I HAVE A LOT OF WORK TO DO. And I will not rest until it is done. I’m setting higher goals and I know I will reach them with the help of my Savior. I’ll be sad loseing her because we both talk in Spanish, English and Sign Languagae.

Sunday is always a highlight of the week when investigators come to church. This Sunday was very special because we reached our standards and because it was Seminary Graduation! Patricio Huillquemia received top awards and it was special because his less active family came. Hno Onate helped set apart his wife as the Relief Society President secretary.

Hermana Wade

PS. If anyone is wanting to know what I would like for Christmas it would be black thick dance tights, and the book of Mormon in Spanish on CD because there are alot of investigators that can’t read and I even have a couple who are blind. To order “El libro de Mormon” in Spanish here it is 25.000 mil pesos. Is there anyway that you could send me 5 copys. I would like if it is on DVD so it only takes up one instead of 5 CD’s.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Nov 2- 9‏

Hola mi Familia!

This week we taught Estefanys and Emilio the law of chastity and the lights went out in all the city so that Satan could stop this couple from making the decision to get married. But we were diligent and taught them by flashlight from our cellular phone after 20 minutes God answered our prayers and we were able to challenge them to keep the law of chastity and they said no because Emilio’s family doesn’t know about them investigating the church yet. Estefanys family knows and is excited about them getting married but thinks the 28 of November is too fast. Estefanys wants a big wedding party and I assured her that she didn’t need to worry about money because I knew that our members would help her decorate the chapel and even find out a way to get a cabin for their honeymoon. I was so serious that I was about to give them my Irish wedding ring to use as her wedding ring. I really want them to be more worried about keeping this commandment and concerned about what God thinks of them. I know that God will bless them by not focusing on the money or what others think of them.

Then Wednesday we taught them with the Elders and they hit a key principle that we need to focus on as missionaries because if we focus on the problem or sin our investigators won’t understand that it doesn’t matter what the commandment is only that we have faith in Jesus, repent, we are obedient, we receive a baptism by immersion and receive the gift of the Holy Ghost by the laying on of hands, and endure to the end of Eternal life. I loved how Elder Merrill and Elder Minor taught with drawing a triangle and showed the Importance of how when our relation is drawing closer to God it results with drawing closer to our spouse too. I was sad that they decided to go to their cabin instead of going to church. We might put them on vacation for two weeks so that they can see the difference on how they feel the Spirit when we bring it into their home.

We taught Joana and Carlos a similar lesson so that they could prepare to be married and baptized too. They are preparing to get baptized the 12th of December, but Joana had a bad attitude when we passed with the Allende Family to take them to church so Carlos attended alone.

There was a kid from California that is half Chilean named Tomas that came up and talked to me in English. It was fun. It was hard keeping it all English. I left my email so that he could write me when he gets baptized.

Diego is a nine year old boy that wants to get baptized but we can’t until his parents are active and the mom wants to be but gives the excuse that her husband will never be so there is no point. I’m praying for a miracle because it has been difficult to find members to pass by for them because she only has Sundays free.

We found a great big family with 5 girls that want to get married with the mom Margarita. They said there dad is Catholic but we assured them that he will understand that we are representatives of Jesus and his restored gospel so that his family can be baptized in the way Jesus taught us.

The Soto family is very special because every time we pass by to teach their son Diego to get baptized he isn’t there but their friend is. Her name is Gladis and she has lots of problems and I love how Hermana Akela Herda shares her testimony of the church with her friends to ease the weight.

We passed by for a reference that the Elders gave us and this family was amazing the mom Ana and her daughters Hazmine, and Carla. They understood that the baptism of Jesus was perfect and that we need to follow his example. Then the dad came home and walked up stairs to avoid us. I know he will come around. I am enjoying the many blessings of following the indicated keys of the mission because my mission president is proud that we have making it a goal to complete the 15 lessons with members every week. The members need to feel the spirit of the Lords work and to share their testimonies to be strengthened.

The Oñate family is working with us a lot and they have received so many blessings because of their righteousness. I’m so proud of them because they are working on getting married in the temple. Hno Oñate received the Melchizedek Priesthood and received a calling.

Hna Mirella was less active from going through a hard trial but she knows that it is important that she endures to the end, she left with us to share her testimony and she felt so good. I was so proud of the way she taught her neighbors the truthfulness of the living Christ.

We have a great ward mission leader called Jorge who suffers from scitzophrenia. His family is from Columbia and has had various challenges but I’m so thankful that they are in our ward as active strong members. Jorge teaches the classes every Domingo and always welcomes our investigators. He is always ready to tract with us or has meetings with us.

I love the MISSION! I love serving my Chilean family! I know this is where he wants me! I LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH! Have a happy unforgettable week. Aim for high goals and make the best of your life.

Love your missionary, Hermana Wade

Monday, November 2, 2009

Oct 26- Nov 2‏

Hey family!

I sent you all a postcard in the big envelope that I sent mom for her birthday!! Hope you all enjoy it and know that I love you!!!

My investigators are doing great. We ha a special lunch with Estefanys and Emilio to talk to them more about how important that they get married and we left a chastity pamphlet so that they could read it and be ready to accept a marriage date this month. Patricio Mora is now the Young Men’s President. Michael is a young man that is investigating the church and has baptism date for this month. His uncle is a return missionary so that is helping him a lot but his mom doesn’t want to talk to us yet. This family is big family of 7 kids and the mom is single, I know he will get baptized with his family. We knocked on His door and he said he was waiting for us. Family Carrasco is a family full of less active priesthood holders we are working on the young men so that they can be active and serve missions. Fransisco is progressing slowly because he has been fighting with his wife but he is now kneeling and praying with his family will change a lot of things. My companion found a cool lesson bout how the church is going to strengthen his family and I love it because it is a great warrior visual. (Alma 50). We talked with Roxana so that her son Diego could get baptized but she still doesn’t want to go to church because her husband is inactive and she felt very embarrassed when she went to the temple alone so then she didn’t want to enter. We are going to talk to both of his parents so that they can be active. Yerty is having problems with Felix drinking. It’s hard to share with him because he works so late, but we are going to leave him homework to read so that he stops drinking and works on his relationship with Yerty and prepares for baptism.

There are lots of barriers but I Know that I’m just going to look past them and teach, testify, and love my investigators my beloved brothers and sisters and show them by example the truthfulness of the gospel.

Hermana Wade

Monday, October 26, 2009

Oct 19-26‏

This week we had a lot of great miracles. We went tracking to a few appointments with the Allende couple. I love there energy as grandpas and there love for the Lord and His work. We past for the first appointment but she didn’t let us but fixed a different appointment. Then my companion was inspired to knock on the door of her neighbor that we had met the week before. Her daughter said that she didn’t feel good, but we insisted that we wanted to pass and sing her a hymn and give her company. When she let us pass we found her mom on the bed because she had fallen and broken her ankle. Her ankle had a big ball and she didn’t have money to go to the hospital or to get a ride in a taxi. I was thinking about how she needed a priesthood blessing but she had never learned about the power and authority of God yet so I didn’t know what to do. Thankfully, Hno Allende knew exactly what to do and offered her a ride to” the bone man” that snaps the bones back into place for a low cost for all the villagers but he wasn’t home so we took her and her daughter to the hospital and Hno Allende handed her a bunch of money to pay for the stay. I’m so thankful for his great example. They shared their testimonies with Carlos and Joan who have been ancient investigators because Carlos doesn’t want to get married. I was so thankful that I was only the instrument in the hands of the Lord to put them together in the same room so that Hno. Allende could share his priesthood power and follow the influence of the Spirit. Their experiences were the same and Joan was so thankful that they came and shared there experience and said she was so grateful for his counsel. She was so humble and is deciding to change her attitude so that Carlos and Joan can get married November 7th.

Love Hermana WADE

Monday, October 19, 2009

Oct 12- 19

I love the mission! I can’t believe I completed one year in the mission on October 15th! I am learning more everyday and becoming the daughter of God that He wants me to be.

Our Zone Conference this Friday was incredible and forever changed my perspective about how I’m going to work for the Lord. I know that this program is ordained of God and that My mission President is called of God. We are focusing more on the Gospel of Jesus Christ and how they need to understand the 5 principles of the Gospel of Jesus Christ which is: Faith in JESUS CHRIST and HIS ATONEMENT, Repentance, Baptism, Receiving the Gift of the Holy Ghost, and Enduring to the End. I am going to focus more on teaching about the Atonement of Jesus Christ so that everyone can understand that they need to have confidence in Jesus by keeping the commandments of God that He will bless us if we do His will. We need to understand that by keeping the commandments we show our love and our willingness to repent of our sins and put of the natural man. Then we understand that baptism is not only a commandment but a sacred covenant with God. The Bible and the Book of Mormon give clear examples of how Jesus was baptized and how he receives the gift of the Holy Ghost. Any other way is doctrine of man and the devil and is of no worth. The scriptures are clear that he that doesn't do these things and endures to the end will be condemned. I am perfecting my way of teaching with my companion daily as we study alone and together and as we do evaluations after every lesson. This week was hard because the members are willing to leave with us but this whole week they canceled on us, it was sad. This week will be the best it is my goal to reach the mission standards this week and then to maintain it every week in my mission. I know it is possible and that it is the will of the Lord for me. I love this great work and being a instrument in the hands of the Lord. It is a privilege to help the Chileans receive their own testimonies so they can study, pray, and be accountable for their actions.

Hermana Wade

Monday, October 5, 2009

Sept 28- Oct 5

WAHOOOOOOO! There is going to be a NEW TEMPLE IN CHILE!!! It is only 5 hours out of the mission in Concepcion. When Pres. Monson said that there was a temple in Brigham City, Utah, and then Concepcion, CHILE…everyone in the congregation screamed and then I started crying out of emotion as I hugged Sister Rojas (who lived in Arizona 2001-2006) and we offered a prayer out loud in thanks for a Heavenly Father that had listened to our prayers.

Conference was amazing and I loved every bit of it. I love conference! We had 5 investigators come and listen to conference it was a satisfying moment to gather all together and listen to the prophet and his apostles so that they could feel the spirit and receive their personal testimony. It was sad to see two recent converts say that they didn’t want to go to conference and I started crying when I left the house of Patricio Mora because I know that Satan is working on his weaknesses so that he dosen’t feel the spirit, I testified that he needed to go to conference to listen to Pres Monson and feel the spirit. He looked me in the eyes and said “no don’t insist sister wade” my companion said “ok patricio we’ll see you in conference” we shoke his hand and as we left I started to cry. But then as we were sitting there I turned around and there he was in his suit and a big smile on his face.

We passed by for Felix and Yerty to go to conference so that they could be baptized the following week end but Yerty’s water broke and she was having contractions and pacing up getting to leave to the hospital. We’ll have to post pone their baptism but I can’t wait to pass by for them in the hospital to congratulate them with there new son, this is her 4 kid at 19 years of age! She really is a role model to me on the way she works. It is really rare to see a women working while she is pregnant, and my companion and I are convinced that half or more of the women her are pregnant. Haha there is one member that is on maternity leave for a year…can you imagine that?

I’m excited for this transfer because nothing changed I’m here in Villarrica with my companion Hermana Guevara. It’s funny know I have made a pattern of staying with my Salvador companions for 2 transfers and the others only one transfer. I had 1 transfer in Puerto Varas with Hermana Torrico from Bolivia, then 2 transfers in Punta Arena with Hermana Aguilar, and 2 transfers with Hermana Rivas, then La Únion with Hermana Vallejos from Perú, and now I’m in Villarica with Hermana Guevara. I LOVE THE MISSION!!

My investigators are awesome and I love them so much! I know we are going to have a bunch of success this transfer. All of us are preparing to be trainers the next transfer because we will be receiving pure Gringos (English speakers) for the next 3 transfers. The president is worried about this and wants the teenage boys to serve missions.

Love hermana wade

Monday, September 28, 2009

Sep 21- 28

I came on a mission to understand God. I’m not perfect but I’m working on it.

I would invite all of you to read more about the conditions of the different glories of the kingdom of God. What are we willing to do to make it there? Are my thoughts desires and actions in accordance to returning to live with God again? Really if you love someone you wish the best for them which is their personal salvation…but salvation is nothing without exaltation, which can only be reached as a family under the sealing covenant in the temple.

I have a testimony that this is the true church and baptism of Jesus Christ. I know that when you receive the Holy Ghost you will receive this POWER of the Holy Ghost for all of your life as you listen to the small voice in your head that tells you to Choose The Right.

Enjoy Conferance! Go with a question and an open heart and God will tell you what to do.

With Love, Hermana Wade

Monday, September 21, 2009

Sept 17- 21

This week was different because of the Patriotic Festivals for the 18th of December which is there Independence Day. I have officially experienced an Independence Day Chilean Style! Ha-ha I love the Chilean People! But I am officially Chilean because I have a license. No but I will learn from all of their good qualities and the bad just like any other person on this earth. I love how every house here in Chile had a flag outside of their houses they are very patriotic.

Our branch Party was a great success a lot of members, friends, and investigators came and ate Empanadas, and Pajaritos (translated as little birds) which is their version of rolls which consists of sweet bread, cream, and sprinkles. Of course it wouldn’t be a September 18th without dancing the CUECA! Ha-ha don’t worry I didn’t dance in the Ward party but I did when I got home for about 2 minutes. I love dancing! There are a lot of benefits it’s good exercise, it’s fun, it’s relaxing, and it’s a way to celebrate and share talents. I love Culture!

My companion and I went to the ward party with a lot of our investigators. Hermana Otilia who is a less active member and her boyfriend Francisco is interested about the eternal families that we always talk about. Otilia’s two older sons were baptized with Hermana Moemai (who was my companion in the MTC). And Otilia had two cute little girls with this man and now we are teaching this family. They need to get married so that Francisco can be baptized and so that they can be sealed in the temple a year later.

I have learned a lot from my momita here in Villarica! She is such a great women, I hope she’ll write a book of her life so that everyone can get to know her. What a great privilege I have to serve and get to know my brothers and sisters here in Chile! She taught me this week that we need to be patient through our trails because Joseph Smith said that our afflictions are but a small moment and if we endure it well our Father will lift our burden. See D&C 121:7-8, 2 Nephi 2:11, D&C 29:39, Moses 6:55. This week we went to the funeral of her aunt who wasn’t a member. The service was beautiful and in the end my companion and I participated in singing hymns with the family and we ended with a prayer. The family was so thankful with the support of us as missionaries and as a church because the Elders had given her a blessing while she was in the hospital. I know that life is short and that is why I’m maximizing my life here on the mission. I don’t regret any of my decisions. We can always learn from the good and bad.

Hermana Ilda Vasquez (la mamita) also helped me understand that baptisms for the dead are so important! It is not only for the salvation of them but it is the salvation for us that we do temple work or the sin is over our heads in the last days. I have a great desire to work with Grandma Gaddie and finish our family history and teach others how to do it for their families. I have never done it before and I realize that it will take a life time but as I am diligent and set aside time to do it for 30 minutes everyday that God will see the desire of my heart even when I’m studying hard to become a nurse. One prophet asked us to “be a temple attending people”! I know that there are many people waiting for us to do this work, and God will guide us to find the missing puzzles. Our blessings will be eternal and temporal joy. The temple really is a sacred house of God where we can feel closer to Him as we enter into covenant with Him and as we keep the commandments of doing these ordinances for others.

LES AMO Mucho! Hermana Wade

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Sept 7- 17

Hola Familia,

Thank you all for your love and support! You all are very thoughtful and sweet. I had the greatest birthday here on the mission! Hermana Lovell and all the missionaries from Villarica and Valdivia sang to me and the other missionaries who were going to have a birthday this month. I can't believe I'm 22 years old now. It's so cool that I'm here on the mission and living my adult life to the maximum. I've looked back on my life of 22 years and I'm so content with who I have become and I'm excited for my future too. Life is so fun and happy. I know that I am a daughter of God and a royal princess and that each one of us have great potential and we are heirs to His royal kingdom if we accept the price that Jesus paid so that we can rest in Their peace for all eternity.

My zone leaders Elder Merrill and Ellis called me in the morning to wish me a Happy Birthday. Then my companion made me a Salvadorian breakfast-in bed (only because it was cold in our house) with fried bananas that tastes like potatoes. She decorated the house with balloons and she sung a happy birthday song to me that I didn't know. Then we went to the Mamitas and she taught me how to make Empandas which is my favorite food here in Chile! I'm so excited because now I will be able to make Chilean food for all of you when I come home! It's delicious! Then I went to work like a normal day here on the mission, but we had to come home at sun down because September 11th is a bad day here in Chile too. President Lovell said that all the sister missionaries had to be in the house at sun down because Elder Merrill was serving in our area the past year and a man chased him and his companion for 6 blocks. So my companion and I worked on our mission binder and ate ice cream. MMmm...

We baptised Scarlet on the 12th of September. The service was very beautiful and she invited a lot of friends and family. She didn't want to invite anyone because she didn't think anyone would come but because we insisted that she invited her family and friends they came and supported this important decision in Scarlets life and witness a baptism like Jesus and now we have 5 more investigators from that baptism alone. I have a strong testimony that if we work with members and less active families that not all are members the Lord helps us do His work faster. Scarlets mom was inactive but now she is active!

Sunday we watched Ramon receive the priesthood who is a recent convert :)

I LOVE YOU !! Hermana Wade

Monday, September 7, 2009

Aug 31- Sept 7‏


Hello Family and friends!

This week was great! My companion and I had our companionship inventory and I am a witness that communication is the key to any bad feelings that you can have toward another person. Test me! Go up to someone that you have problems with and sit down and just talk and I promise you will fill better. Of course when one is talking the other must listen with an open heart and receive counsel. Another thing that helps is start and end with a prayer.

I love my companion Hermana Guevara! She means the world to me! I know that she is a great tool in the hands of the Lord because of all the struggles that she faces in her personal life and her life her on the mission. Satan has been trying her patience here and she is winning triumphantly with her faith and she is still so happy. Her water boots broke then she got sick because it has been really rainy and really cold. Don’t worry she is better now and there have been more sunny days. Hermana Guevara has been the greatest help to me when we were talking in the kitchen next to the fire she comforted me as I was crying and she shared a scripture that I needed exactly in this moment and now I have made this scripture mine by putting my name Krista in the spot of a missionary named Thomas in Doctrine and Covenants chapter 31. I love my family with all my heart! These are examples of things that I have learned on the mission from studying, listening to my companion and being obedient. (1,2) I have so much faith in my Heavenly Father and his work that I left my family in their afflictions because I knew that I could be like a white lamb and sacrifice a year and a half of my life as an offering to God to show my love and faith for Him and my eternal family. I love my Allan, Kelly, Alicia, Nathan, Tanner, Briana, Tessa, and Spencer. I have total faith that the promises in the scriptures will be completed because God is unchangeable and He will complete all prophesies that the prophets have received and preached. I know that my family will grow and know the truth and they will be one with me in His church. (3) I don’t need to be worried about my family because the hour of my mission has come and I need to declare good news of great joy to this generation. (4) Those who work with all their heart, might, and strength their sins are forgiven. (6)The time in the mission is short but if I declare the words of God to this pueblo in Chile God will prepare a place for my family. (9)We all need to have patience in the tribulations and govern our house with peace and be diligent! (10) I’m going to be a doctor for the Church and for the world! Hahaha (11) I need to follow the path that Christ has lived which is His will and through the Holy Ghost I will know where to go and what to do. (12) Pray always so that temptation will not loose me. I know that if we pray always Satan has now power over us. If you have fallen you are not praying always. Be more faithful and diligent God will help your righteous desires. (13) Be firm and faithful to the end because God is with us these are the words of Christ our Redeemer and the will of our powerful God and not of man.

I LOVE THE SCRIPTURES!!! Wow they are so powerful because they really are the words of God. Study the Scriptures daily…Pray, Read (pray), Meditate (pray), Act (pray), receive Testimony (pray), and share your testimony with everyone that will listen. It is our responsibility as members of the church of Jesus Christ to understand the doctrine and then open our mouth and share it! Then our confidence will wax strong in the sight of God and all of our friends and family that we promised to teach and convert in this life that we knew and loved in the pre-mortal life. I have a strong testimony that this is true and that we have a specific mission in this life, and that our families and friends will be saved through us.

This Sunday was the most spiritually powerful meeting that I have been in. Hno Patricio was baptized yesterday and today he was confirmed a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints through the gift of the Holy Ghost. The Spirits presence was in abundance I was overflowing with joy for this act of faith to this sacred covenant that was made with God and His Son. He was baptized by 15-year-old Gustavo, and confirmed by our Branch President Maldonado, and is now preparing to receive the Priesthood from President Lovell our Mission President, and then will be preparing to seal his family in September 2010 for time and all eternity! Then another baby was blessed whose family is members all except for her dad. My companion and I have been working with the family and have plans to work with the dad this week. The baby was blessed by her Grandpa who just got back from the Santiago temple from being sealed to his wife. They shared their testimonies of temples along with Hermana Ines who went with them and is the only member of the church in her family that lives in Argentina. Really all of the testimonies were perfect and exactly what we needed to hear. I love the Vólcan branch here in Villarica.

The presidents of the District and Branch have been having meetings with us and have shown their love of the Lords work through their desire to work in the manner that God has designed. The President Maldonado gave 4 new callings to our members which is always great when the president receives revelation, and the members accept. We even received a Mission Leader for our branch, Hno Jorge Binavides, from Columbia. What a great blessing it is to be in this ward at this time!!

I was able to find the Carrasco family that has been less active for a long time. There is a new program here in Chile for the less actives members that was received by revelation through our Prophet Thomas S. Monson from God. This program is called “Permaneced” and now all the missionaries have to pass by 10 families every week and every active family needs to pass by for 5 other families. The Carrasco family is excited to come back to church and we are looking forward to sealing their family and sending their 18-year old son on a mission

I love you all!! Hugs and kisses! XOXOXO

Love Hermana Krista Wade :D

Monday, August 31, 2009

Aug 24- 31‏

Hello from VILLARICA!!

The change was hard to leave my companion, my members and my investigators in Radimadi because it was unexpected and fast. But change is good! The Cifuentes family didn’t want me to leave and asked my companion to call the president to receive different revelation but my companion and I wouldn’t. I know that President Lovell receives revelation for us. It’s like Nephi I will go and do the things which the Lord has commanded because I know he doesn’t command anything unless He prepares a way. I would be devastated to think of all the opportunities that I would be missing out on if I didn’t act exactly when He wanted this transfer.

My new companion is Hermana Melissa Guevara from Salvador. I have had 3 companions from Salvador now, which means that I definitely need to go to Salvador after the mission! She is 21 too and her birthday is in November 30 1987. I love her we are going to be another great companionship. It is a new responsibility being the older in age and in the mission.

Villarica is so beautiful. I live close to a Volcano called Villarica and Llaima. My address is Reca Barren 940 and our chapel is on Julio Segar. Camping EDEN on Costa Nera Street is where I eat lunch everyday with my mamita. My Mamita is a return missionary from Conception and is so cool. I love her love story with Papito because she gave his name and address to the missionaries there in Punta Arenas, then he came to Villarica to find the mamita and was baptized. Papito is crazy and really funny. They treat us like their real kids and call us their daughters. They don’t have any kids but I want to see them have kids. It would be a miracle but everything is possible with God.

The Volcan branch has a great need of united families. We are going to experience a grand miracle this Saturday because Patricio Mora has decided to get baptized. The Mora-Morales family has been converted one by one over the past year and finally with the dedication of Hna Guevara and Hna Moemai he has come to understand that this is the will of God. They studied they prayed and followed the Spirit. He has asked Gustavo a 15 year old boy to baptize him which will be a very humbling experience for the both, then our Branch President Maldonado will give him the gift of the Holy Ghost, and President Lovell will give him the Priesthood on the 26th! How exciting!! My companion and I have felt the calling to convert President Maldonado’s wife because she isn’t a member and makes it hard on him to do his calling. I haven’t met her yet but I felt the spirit so strong as she was talking about how we are going to help them. She is a teacher of English and so I know that we will win her heart and if she accepts us she will accept our message of Jesus. We are planning on helping 4 other families that have spouses that are not members. That just doesn’t work out in God’s plan. I realize that everyone has their free agency and that God doesn’t force us to do anything. I need to love, learn, teach, work and be patient with everyone. I don’t know everything and that is why I leave all the wisdom and judgment up to God. I have noticed here on the mission that the commandments have been here for a long time but a lot of people think that they are exceptions to the rules but that is why we are here as missionaries to teach.

I want to see a lot of miracle here in Villarica. I have been taught all my life of miracles that God has done in the life of others and I know that he can in mine and in the life of the people I serve here, and in my own family. Don’t loose the faith and work work work everyday.

Today like always I cleaned the house with my companion to start off the transfer right. The land lady came and helped us buff our floors and next week we need to wash all of the dirty blankets in the house. The house is more like a cabin and is made out of wood. I like organizing and changing the house the first p-day so that we can write letters and play on the others.


Love Hermana Wade

Monday, August 24, 2009

Aug 17- 24‏

Familia mio,

Sunday was so great! It was a blessing to see the fruits of our work here this transfer with Hna Vallejos! The Murillo family attended church, which is the family of my branch mission leader German.

The Cifuentes Family cat died. I started the fast alone but then thought it would be better to fast with them and my companion so that they could receive a testimony of fasting but when we past by their house that day the cat had died. I have learned a lot of lessons from this; one that I will never wait to fast, and two that you don’t make the rules for God you just obey His will. Luckily, they are over that. Rodrigo, Marcela, and Kayla are going to church and Marcela told a member that she is realizing more and more everyday that this is Gods church and this is where she needs to be and stay. Kayla attended the young women’s class today because Hna Angelica Holgins invited her and got her all excited about completing the Young Women’s Program.

Then Hno Jorge Muños is an excommunicated member that I have been working with. I really love this family. I will never forget that Sunday when I sat next to his wife Miriam and she rest her head on my shoulder and cried during the sacrament meeting. She is such an example to me as she patiently waits for her husband to come out of these dark ages. He was an active member but he committed a sin and he was humble enough to go through that repentance process and he told his ward leaders. He accepted his excommunication but now he is finding all the little faults or misinterpretations in our branch president. I was thinking about the stories in the Bible of when one person is trying to help the other cast a mote out of his eye when he has a beam in his own eye, the scripture teaches that we need to fix our greater problems before we focus on the problems of other. But I shared the scripture in the beginning of Mathew that say love, pray and do well to your enemies. Then it teaches that we need to forgive if we want God to forgive us. I have this more then clear and I have seen this in my family. I have also absolute experienced bliss when one of my family members forgave the others. We need to ask our selves how long we are going to let Satan control us with these bad feelings. In the end really we are only damaging our lives here in this life and that feeling will last for all eternity. This life is too short to not love every single one of our brothers and sisters the way Jesus loves us.

Really I’m bummed because I got news today that I’m going to leave Radimadi in La Unión. I’m sad because Hna Vallejos and I had a lot of plans for this next transfer with lots of baptisms, birthdays, and the Independence Day of Chile which is September 18th. I wanted to be here for her last transfer her in the mission because I know it will be hard for her. But that is what we learn in this great Church that is lead by God and we believe in Revelation through our leaders and we accept te challenge with a challenge. I will be serving in the great zone of VILLARICA!! I am excited about it because it is the most south part of the mission, so now I have served in the coldest south part and now I’ll be serving in the warmer north part.

Wow I can’t explain all the wonderful miracles that I was able to experience. I wasn’t able to baptize the Cifuentes family but I know that I did make a difference in the lives of a lot of less active members. There is one inactive sister that has rejected contact from the church for the past 25 years, and my companion and I were able to be there to listen to her story and to help her back into the light of Christ through the Book of Mormon because she has felt so depressed with her son in jail for killing two people. There are big battles of divorcement with other investigators and people dieing of cancer. Many people with real life problems and it is humbling to think that God has total confidence in me and so do the people.

Love Hermana Wade

Monday, August 17, 2009

Aug 10- 17

Family and friends

This week was good. It wasn’t perfect because we were not as successful as we know it can be, but now we had our companionship inventory and are now refocused. It is amazing how we have received this great calling to invite all the children of God unto Christ through baptism and how my companion and I constantly need to be thinking and talking about His Great Work and Glory so that we can be diligent and obedient. It can be overwhelming to think about the responsibility that we have but we know that that is the reason why God has restored the organization of His church newly on the earth again.

I LOVE Hna Maria Vallejos! She has helped me set goal to read the entire Bible. Write now I’m reading the New Testament in English and Spanish. As I also have restarted reading the Book of Mormon in Spanish for the second time. I finished putting the Preach My Gospel stickers in my scripture and all the investigators love them and all the missionaries want them.

I am guessing that I will be with Hna Vallejos for her last transfer and I’m really sad to let her go. She fills that I’m going to ‘kill’ her here in Radimadi when she returns to her home in Perú. Her family lives there in the Jungles of Perú with all the Anacondas and all types o serpents. You can imagine all of the stories that she has. I think I’ll go visit her one day. We are still working on her English so that she can accomplish her dream of living there in the US. She received a letter that a lot of things have changed there in her family so she is expecting or preparing for the worst and they are advising her to accept all the great opportunities that will be given to her here in Chile or there in the US. I’m worried about her going home and I want to personally know that someone will be there to pick her up. I want to be her companion there in Perú when she returns I want to cry when I think about her being there all alone because her family hasn’t written her for months.

We had the greatest Family Home Evening with the Cifuentes family in the house of the mamitas Edith and Anita Parra. I felt the Spirit and the greatest joy to listen to the testimonies that this family has. Rodrigo and Marcela have become ‘dry mormons’ and are only missing the water. Rodrigo is so cute because he is patiently waiting until his family receives this desire to be baptized too. He even ends in the name of Jesus Christ Amen every time he bares his testimony. Marcela now knows that Joseph is a prophet. Yesterday she told us that if my companion and I fast and pray for her cat to be saved from the deathly sickness that he has she will understand that miracle as the profound answer that she is looking for and has told us that she will be baptized at the end of this month. Then Rodrigo was excited because he told us that would mean that they would be baptize together. He is already making plans and is making his temple marriage goal known to everyone! He doesn’t want to obligate his daughters to be baptized but he doesn’t want to wait for his daughter Roxanna because she doesn’t have much time to be there during the lessons. I’m looking for ways to get her more interested because Lesly being the oldest loves everyone and doesn’t want Roxanna to be left behind so she stays at home with Roxanna when she is being lazy.

I would feel better if they fasted with us so that they could receive a testimony of the power of fasting. I felt a little un-easy about this challenge and hope that it is pleasing unto God that I am fasting for this purpose. They were taking about we need to be more faithful as members and fast for miracles to heal the bone cancer that Hna Vallejos mother has. I was so glad that German our mission leader was there to bear his testimony of when this ward fasted and prayed when his mother was on her death bed and the doctors didn’t know what it was and how she was saved and healed.

I know that that is why I will continue to fast pray and fight for my family because I will never loose the faith that they can be an eternal family.

Have a great week!

Hermana Krista Wade

Monday, August 10, 2009

Aug 3- Aug 10‏

My dear family and friends!

This Sunday my companion and I were asked to give talks in sacrament meeting and the topic was ours to choose. Saturday night when we got home my companion and I were doing our nightly routine as we were thinking about what we could talk about. Then as I was changing out of my wet clothes from the rainy weather that day, the Spirit told me exactly what to talk about and what points I needed to cover. It was the coolest thing. Then my companion asked me what I was going to be talking about and I said ‘Love’ and then she smiled and showed me her paper that said ‘charity and love’ and that is proof right there that the Spirit communicates to my companion and I, it’s proof that if it is right then He will tell us both the same thing, and it is proof that my branch needed to hear, to feel, and show more love.

I’m so thankful for the pure love of Christ which is charity.
Here are my favorite scriptures about love….

Mathew 22:36-40, Love god with all your heart, might, and mind. Love your neighbor as thy self.

2 Nephi 31:20, have perfect hope+ love for God and all men +delighting in the words of Christ+ and enduring to the end = ETERNAL LIFE
I know that we can express our love as we listen to others, cry with them, give service, pray for their well being, help them know the gospel, and be their friend.

John 15:9-15 Be a disciple of Christ. Be obedient and keep the commandments. Dwell in His love and joy. We are not servants of the Lord because servants don’t know what our Lord does, but rather we are friends because we know all the things that our Lord does.

I love 1John 3:7-10, all them that love is BORN of God. If we love God we will keep His commandments and be baptized by water and by fire. God sent His Son Jesus to suffer for all of our SINS. It is hard to understand the great love that they have for us. In love there is NO FEAR. How can we not have love for our brother that we see and then turn and say that we love God who we have not seen? It isn’t possible. We need to love everyone to love God and become like Them.

I think the answer to that one is in D&C 112:11 Read it. He knows your heart and has heard your prayers about your brothers….love all men and all those that love my name.
D&C 12:8 be humble, full of love, faith, hope, charity…love is CONFIDENCE.

I would invite all who read this to think about how you can express your love in the way that God wants you to this week. Is there someone that you have talked bad about this week? Is there someone that you need to forgive? Is there someone that you need to ask for forgiveness? When are you going to relieve this weight of negative feelings from your minds and from your book of life? How do you feel about your thoughts and actions that are written on your book of life that is talked about in the Doctrine and Covenants?

Luke 6:32-36

Moroni 7:48, the prophet Mormon taught we must pray with all the energy of our heart that we will be filled with the charity of Christ at that Last Day because terrible will be our state if we don’t have His Love.

We must not let those negative feelings of anger, jealousy, judgment overpower us because it is feelings taught by Satan. Pray for the strength to understand others points of view, be patient and help them when they have difficulties and challenges.

Love is action. TE AMO MUCHO!!

Hermana Wade

Monday, August 3, 2009

July 26- Aug 3‏

Hola mi familia!

My companions say that I talk a lot in my dreams and it makes them all laugh because it is in Spanish. Last night, my companion wanted to video tape me because I said, “Te quiero! Te quiero!” which means, “I love you! I love you!” It’s kind of embarrassing as a missionary to have love dreams but I’m just a loving person. I wish I knew who it was because I don’t remember when I wake up. It started with Hermana Rivas and I didn’t want to believe her but now Hermna Vallejos said the same so it’s a fact. She even said that I laugh in my dreams! LOL! Man, I wish I remembered my dreams because obviously they are very entertaining. My companion wants to meet my future husband; she says that he will be so happy with me because I’m very loving and funny. She also said that I’m going to be a great mom because I clean and organize things really good.

My companion wants to marry an Asian and now a deaf man. She is so funny. I’ll have to talk some sense into her because both of the languages are difficult and she still needs to learn English! She wants to learn sign language because we passed by for an old investigator and this mom was all worried about her teenage son because he was suppose to be home by 3pm and it was 6pm so I asked if we could offer a prayer there on the sidewalk so that she could feel at peace and that her son would come home soon. Then as we were talking to her out side her house to help get her mind on something else, he walked up speaking Spanish Sign Language. I really want to learn SSL! I think I’ll be able to learn it quick because I know ASL, so I’m excited!!

We are struggling with the Cifuentes family because they don’t want to get baptized August 8 because they don’t feel they have a testimony of Joseph Smith so my companion and I are going to help them understand that really he is the prophet of the restoration of the gospel of Jesus Christ. We were so happy that the whole family attended church for the first time. The dad always attends and is ready for baptism but this is the first times that Roxana attended. Everyone would like to see the family be baptized at the same time. But at times I think if one is so sure and makes the decision to be baptized that they shouldn’t wait. Because salvation is personal but exaltation is the whole family. This situation requires a lot of prayers communication and patients. My companion is worried that they know too much of the profound doctrine of the church before they had a testimony of the basics and that is why it is harder for them to make the choice. Well we have a lot of enthusiasm for this week because it will be another beautiful week full of miracles and the tender mercies of the Lord.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

July 20- July 26

Hello my loved ones!!

Haha! I know you all are dieing to hear how the funeral went. But sadly someone stole the corpse!!! It’s disgusting the kind of world we live in today were people steal things. Haha they thought they won a new pair of shoes but they were mistaken to find a worn out pair of missionary shoes. It was sad, I cried a little bit to have lost this love of my life but my companion and the elders gave me some counsel that I’m going to love these new shoes just as much because we are going to walk a lot of miles together.

I love our district leader here in La Union! He is focused on letting us complete our goals and responsibility as missionaries by completing the missionary standards of the mission for the first time! I’m so excited and pumped! We actually completed the goal for this week as a district and had 15 lessons with members, it feels so good. It really helped all of the numbers take off! We started off as a rocket ship with good momentum and now we are going to keep on soaring!! I like how Elder Saade put it when he said “vamos a trabajar demasiado esta cambio” we are going to work out of control this transfer!

Ok so this letter will be short because my fingers are so cold it is hard to type. This week has been colder than Punta Arenas and I was so confused because it was logical to think that nothing would be colder than Punta Arenas. But one man that knows Punta Arenas told me that it is because everyone has their gas heaters on because it is really cheap down their and here everyone has wood stoves and the people that live here don’t keep there houses warm because it uses a lot of wood. Our leaders called us and told us that we need to change houses because the water and light is expensive in our house we received mail under our door that said that the elders used 34.000 and the Muños family that lives in the apartments only uses 6.000 so I want to move to the apartments because we have a lot of members and investigators that live there. I hope to get everything settled this week by finding a house and finding someone else to live in this house. That is the miracle that we are praying for this week.

Well I better go. We are going to celebrate Elder Saade’s birthday that is today! He was there in the mission office when I came to Chile and so he made a video for you guys to tell you what it was like when I first came to Chile and didn’t speak Spanish. He said that he tried to talk to me but I just smiled and said “hola”! Haha he is so funny! You are going to love the video because his English is really good. I have a goal with my companion to speak in English to each other and I only have 3 months before she goes to her home in Perú so we have a lot of work but she is catching on quick.

Remember that I love you very much!

With all my love,Hermana Wade

Monday, July 20, 2009

July 13- 20

Greeting from la Únion!!! I opened up an area this Thursday called RADIMADI. This place is so beautiful! I’m in love with this place. I’m so glad to serve in this new area it is so green, and sunny! I’m so in LOVE! Haha I’m so HAPPY, it should be illegal! I can’t help but walk around with a big huge smile on my face!

I’ll be honest I didn’t like the way my companion approached people on the street and chased them like a dog pestering the people that didn’t want to listen. I didn’t like these negative feelings, so I prayed that I could understand my companion, or that I could show her how to do it in a loving manner. Heavenly Father answered my prayer as I talked to my companion, and now I understand that she has had many experiences were her perseverance has changed the heart of her street contacts that are now ready for baptism. I’m so thankful for humble prayers. I love my new companion so much! I’m so excited for all the great things that we are going to learn together. Her name is Hermana Maria Navidad Vallejos (haha Marry Christmas) and she is from Perú. My Perúvian companion is doomed to come to Arizona because she has had pure ‘Gringas’ as companions 5 of the 7 are from Arizona. Her trainer was Hermana Kendra Tropple (who is now married).

I’m serving in a little branch and the members are wonderful!! There is a little bit of everything the elderly and babies! The babys are Ricisimo!

Wow My shoes were so broke down!!! Don’t worry I took pictures! We are going to have a funeral for my shoes after lunch with the elderers…. It should be fun! I’m scared because there are 6 funeral companies in my area. I don’t know what that means …but I’m scared. My companion believes that I’m going to kill her here when I send her to her home in 3 months.

Hermana Wade

Monday, July 13, 2009

July 6- 13‏

Hola fam!

Just wanted to tell you that I love you all!
Im going to be leaving Punta Arenas and opening up a sector above Osorno.

Take care

Hermana wade

Monday, July 6, 2009

June 29- July 6‏

Hello everyone!

I LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH! Thanks for all the letters I haven’t been able to read them all yet but I’ll read them tonight. I know that the Lord is watching out for you while I am here. I’m so gald that God has blessed me with such great family and friends.

I am having a blast here in Punta Arenas. I love all the members in my ward! We are getting them more excited to leave with us to teach our investigators. The Lopez family (Roberto, Janette, Roberto Junior, Franco, and Tamara) were inactive befor and now they are bearing thier testimonys to our investigators and they gave us a reference to teach them discussions. The Alarcon family (Angelica, Fernanda, and Nicolas) is doing better she has been in bed sick for a while and when he were at her house yesterday she was back to her old self dancing around the house. The Guzman family that makes bread is happy as can be with there son Marcelo that moved down from Santiago with his wife Paulina and their daughter Ariel. Marcelo served a mission in Columbia and afterward went inactive for a little bit. Paulina is now baptized and we are reteaching her the lessons so that she can leave with us. The Reyes family is amazing! It’s a great blessing to have them live infront of us if we need help they are always willing to do anything. The Bishop Vidal is a strong short little man that has a very strong grip.

The investigators are wonderful. Yanaina is preparing for baptism. We just taught her the law of chastity with her boyfriend Hugo.

The hardest thing is to get the people to go to church. I’m so glad that I never had a hard time going to church. I know that this is the Lords day and we need to keep it holy. The scriptures are very clear. I love reading them because I’m learning a lot about the commandments and the blessings that come from it as I keep them. It says that a whole nation will perish when they don’t keep the Sabbath day holy. We talked to the bishop about it and now we are going to focus on that topic so that we can make it a strenth. Really we have 6 days to ourselves and to dedicate one day for Him is not too much to ask. All we need to ask ourselves is if this activity is to ador Christ or me?

The weather is crazy! It rains and then it snows and then the snow turns into slush and then it frezzes in the night, and then in the morning Punta Arenas is one big skating’s not surprizing but I fell two times! Haha I just got up and acted like nothing happened.

Love you all! The church of Jesus Christ is here on the earth and we get are members of His church. I know that President Thomas is our president and he hold all the keys of the priesthood and I’m thankful for his service.

Don’t forget I love ya’ll!
Hermana Krista Wade

Sunday, June 21, 2009

June 15- 21

Family and friends...I love you all so much! I love Punta Arenas!! It has been snowing for a straight week. I love the snow! I've been taking alot of pictures and I'll have to send them to you. It is so cold. I really appreciate the sleeping bag it keeps me nice and warm along with my thermals. They really have saved my life!! I can't believe that all of you are over there enjoying a hot summer and that the climate is always reversed.

Love Hermana Wade

PS. Items I would like...Make-up(they only have make-up for latinas and I'm only a Chilean with white skin hahaha). I would also like pretty but simple earings and necklases for the mission.

Monday, June 15, 2009

June 8- 15‏


I know that God loves us so much! He is my Heavenly Father and I love communicate my feelings with Him through prayers. As I ask Him to bless me He always answers my prayers whether it is starting my car or helping me fulfill my greatest desires for me and my family. I know that His plan is perfect. I’m thankful for the agency that He has given me to choose the right. I’m thankful for all the commandments and know as we follow them and choose the will of the Father he will pour out His blessings upon us.

There are so many less active members out here and they don’t attend church because of what someone said or did. I don’t understand why they would let someone else affect their salvation, but I know that we can’t make up excuses in the Last Judgment. It doesn’t matter what the commandment is just that we do it. Be obedient. It isn’t hard Jesus has done it and prepared the way. The scriptures say that He doesn’t give us a commandment that we can’t complete. There are so many blessings that come from attending church. I have had the greatest spiritual experiences by keeping the Sabbath day holy. My companion says that this mission hasn’t received a new temple here because they don’t keep the Sabbath day holy. When we pass by for members all of them are watching TV it is sad. We are going to focus on this this week.

I Love YOU!!

Hermana Krista Wade

Monday, June 8, 2009

June 1- 8‏


Yeah my companion and I are together this transfer! I love Hermana Rivas!

Favian Yañez was baptized by his father Manuel and his Grandpa from Conception confirmed him a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints! It was such a happy reunion! Our ward is so supportive a lot of people supported this family by coming and giving talks about the baptism and the Holy Ghost, and then there were a ton of primary kids that came to sing for Favian the primary song …I like to look for Rainbows whenever there is rain….I love this song about the clean feeling that comes the Jesus when we repentance and are baptized.

The funniest part of the baptism was when the Grandpa bore his testimony about his love life that lasted about 15 minutes after he received a letter from his family to sit down and after he received a second letter from the bishopric. His grandchild even blurted out ¨Grandpa it’s Mom’s turn! ¨ I couldn’t help but laugh because I had heard the same story the night before. I love grandparents they are so funny and such a joy! I understand that it is because he wants his family to understand how happy he is with his second marriage after his former wife died but in-between a baptism where no body knew him was funny.

This was another successful baptism that brought the ward that much closer together. I have felt such a grand satisfaction in this ward because I have been able to see the difference in the enthusiasm of the members because of our efforts. They know that we are not only concerned for our investigators but for them as well. We have been trying to use them as much as we can because when we delegate responsibilities more gets done, we have more time to teach and do other things, and the members feel more useful.

Another prayer was answered that I was able to share a lesson with Dianaina and her mom. I wanted to teach the mom that is Evangelical so that I could challenge her daughter to be baptized with her knowledge because I have had too many bad experiences when we only teach one person in the family. So I took this chance and they took it well, she hasn’t accepted a date yet but we are working o it. I want to pass by with more members so that she will attend church with us.

We contacted a man named Oscar in the street and invited him to church last week and then we happened to walk by him again and he said that he attended church but that it was too full so he left. We were bummed and told him that he could attend this week; he was so excited and happy to attend. We got his number and invited him to the Baptism of Favian too. Oscur loved it and he also loved the testimony of the Grandpa and the peace he felt there in the chapel. We taught him the restoration of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and challenged him to have the same baptism as Jesus by someone who holds that priesthood. He wants a baptism and has a lot of really great questions. Then my companion asked were he lived and we found out that he doesn’t participate in our section. Sad day! We planned to have a meeting with the elders but I got sick and the elders had other plans and Oscar didn’t show up or answer his phone. He is gold and understands everything; he knows that the Book of Mormon is true and that Joseph Smith is a Prophet of God.

I got sick and received a blessing from a member and I felt good enough to work and then the next day I felt worst because of the food I had eaten that night I must have gotten food poison and then the Zone leaders passed by to get the keys for the chapel and to give us our new phone and used this time to receive another blessing. I’m ok now don’t worry I gave my body and stomach a break and studied the scriptures all day about the Plan of Happiness.

We had two men show up to the English classes it was great because it was focused on them for their final this day.

We have a new ward mission Leader! Wahoo! Hno Fuensalida!

Love you TONS!!!
Hermana Wade

Monday, June 1, 2009

May 25-June 1‏

Family and friends!

I love my life. Everything is great! Time flies by so fast and I’m having fun and learning a lot. I can’t believe it is already June! I have a desire to improve everyday. I’m so thankful for my companion for her love and example to me and the investigators.

This week we taught a woman whose husband died when he was receiving the missionaries and studying the doctrine. He had come to the conclusion that his church wasn’t true. One day the missionaries had an appointment with him but he had died that same day. I felt the Spirit prompt that her spouse had accepted the Restoration of the Gospel of Jesus Christ on the other side of the veil. I promised her that if she listened and prayed about this message that she would feel at peace finally after 10 years. And that if she acted on the answer that God would give her that she would be able to receive the covenants of baptism and eternal marriage. She and her mother live alone with her 13 year old daughter. The wife is catholic and the grandma is evangelical. They didn’t want another appointment but they said they would read the plan of Salvation and Happiness pamphlet.

Tomorrow is the baptism for Favian Yañez!!! I’m so excited for him. He has been waiting for this for a long time and now it has finally come! Really it is perfect timing because his Grandpa from Concepcion came to visit! Favian’s biggest dream is to have his father, Manuel, baptize him and now to have the grandpa there too is just the cherry on top.

There is a skilled man in our stake that took the missionaries to Torres del Paine before and he offered to take all of the missionaries this transfer. I’ve seen pictures of these beautiful mountains that God created for us and I would love to go see the pretty part of Punta Arenas. I would personally like to go hiking but of course nothing crazy and dangerous.

Have a great week!

I love you!
Hermana Wade

Friends and Family I’m sending you my hugs and kisses! XOXOXOXOOXOOX
Take care! I LOVE YOU!!!

Sorry my letters are getting shorter I’m trying to spend more time answering all of you that have written me personal letters. I really want to write all of you personally from my heart but it takes time. Thanks for your patients.

Monday, May 25, 2009

May 17-25‏

Hola mi familia!

I’m so happy! I love everyday. It is fun because it snows some days and all the people here are always telling us to be careful because the frozen streets. My companion and I walk like we are on and ice rink it is so fun. I did fall once but it wasn’t too bad because my companion and a member was there to catch my arm. I’m so thankful that I have had great health here on the mission. Thanks to my mom for the warm clothes, and for the members and investigators for inviting us in there warm homes and hot chocolate.

This week we definitely focused on our less active families. We have two families that have kids that are waiting for their fathers to be active in the church so that their fathers can baptize them. I am practicing my patients with them because they weren’t progressing, but this Sunday they attended church and are going to have interviews with the bishop! Then there were 5 less active members! I was so happy. It is hard but I look up to them a lot for being humble to do the will of our Heavenly Father. My advice is to not listen to gossip, and Always Forgive. I shared with one that my family let bad feelings settle for 10 years but then it was a miracle and the greatest blessing to see part of my family back together. I can’t help but cry happy tears. It is so beautiful. I’m praying and hoping that one day very soon that all of us will be able to renew our relationships.

Karen that had a baptism date had problems with her mom and now we can’t pass by her house. She was our golden investigator that accepted Joseph Smith as the prophet of the Restoration. She received an answer to her prayer when she learned about Heavenly Fathers plan for her personally because she always wanted to know why she had a little disability. We even taught her the Word of Wisdom and she was willing to accept and live this commandment of health. My companion and I believe that her mother was there telling her what to say because she had never talked or acted like that before. I have a hope that we will be able to share with her in a different members house and that she can continue to Read the Book of Mormon.

Love ya’ll

Hermana Wade

Sunday, May 17, 2009

May 10- 17‏


What a great week! I love the mission! My companion is the best! Hermana Rivas helps me so much. She is really funny and makes me laugh through out the day. She teases me when I forget something and says that I’m in love with the elders. Ha it is so funny. We have also been counting all of our many blessings through out the day and then we write down all of the miracles that happen to us and to our investigators, contacts and members on a calendar of Jesus Christ. I was grateful that my companion happened to receive a great big box from a friend in the US the same day I received the big box of goodies!

We were able to teach a girl that we contacted in the street called Camila that is 17years old with her mom Marcela, and her sister Francisca. We talked about the Book of Mormon and the promised to read a chapter. Then when we taught them the second time the father was there and he was pleasant at first and we shared, The 3 Simple ways to have a Happier Family, and it was great but then when we ended with the prayer he changed. He put his ugly face on and said that his family was Catholic and didn’t want us to pass by. This made me feel ugly inside at first but then as my companion lead the conversation to end beautifully again we thanked them for their time to share this great message and invited them to always share with missionarys.

This week was a miracle because Hernan Castro the father of Yessenia attended church as a surprise. I have to give the credit to the thoughtful card that my companion wrote to invite him specifically to the church. It was the miracle that we have been praying for. Then he invited us to have a special Sunday lunch with him and his family to get to know eachother more. This was great progress because before he didn’t want us to pass by any more because Yessenia told him that she wanted to be baptized by him but if he didn’t want to she was going to ask an elder. Luckily, the mom Alejandra was firm and said that it was her house too and that she was going to let us pass by to give her and her two daughters the lessons, and to attend FHE night with the members, and all the Sunday meetings. Hernan enjoyed the talk by Hermano Espinosa the first counselor about his conversion story about how the bishop helped activate him so that he could have a counselor and all the blessings that he has received. He also told the congregation the FHE experience he had with Yessenia and was so impressed with her testimony of how the Book of Mormon has answered all of her doubts and now Hno Espinosa has recommitted himself to read the whole Book of Mormon again. Everyone was so proud of her. Lunch was delicious and I enjoyed getting to know him better. Alejandra and Yessenia said that he can be mean but I’m not scared of him because I only see his good side. We taught them the five principles of the gospel, faith in Jesus Christ, Repentance, Baptism, Gift of the Holy Ghost and Enduring to the End. They have the first four because they are members but haven’t attended the church for 8 years they just need to remember this covenant by exercising the first four daily to complete the fifth. He then shared a scripture in D&C about hypocrites in the church and how this was the last scripture that he shared in a talk before he left the church. He explained bad experiences he had but then he also shared his testimony that he knew that this is the only true church and that it is perfect. He just has a problem forgiving the imperfect members and knows they are just human. He wants to gain a stronger testimony and attend all of the meetings, pray, have FHE, etc. and to be full active in the church never to leave again. I love this test that he went through and he is now refocused on his goal to win this test to return to live with his family with his Heavenly Father. Don’t let the bad decisions of others affect your salvation and progression to your goal. Hernan asked me to open with the prayer and then he offered a sweet prayer of thanks.

We have been working with the members more and I am so thankful to have Hna Loreto that is a faithful member missionary. She is a great blessing in this work for us as missionaries and all of the investigators love her to pieces as well. Even though she has 3 boys 16, 7, and 5 years old she is always ready to leave with us. I’m thankful for her son that is always willing to babysit to give his mom a little brake.

We also have an awesome investigator, Karen, who has a baptism date after 3 days because we brought Loreto to all of the lessons and she invited us to a baptism of the Estrecho ward. It was so glad that I could attend this baptism of my friend Joel that has been waiting to receive this baptism until he was 18 years old as an adult because his Catholic family wouldn’t sign the agreement but I was so glad that they attended. It was an emotional day for him. Karen liked it a lot and felt very special in the church with the members. As we waited after the baptism we watched a video about the church and she liked how it related to the story of Joseph Smith which we had taught the night before.


Love Hermana Wade

I have a family goal for all of us that if we read the whole Book of Mormon by the time school starts again that all of us will have a great change and become that much more closer to that person that Heavenly Father wants us to be by the time school starts up again.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

May 4-10‏


This week we taught Cristel more about the importance of prayer and how prayers of faith brings many blessings. She smokes 20 cigarettes a day which is equal to two packs a day. I’m not an experienced smoker so don’t quote me on that.

Last week our numbers were really low and we were not having great success. We were trying to make fixed appointments with those contacts that would let us and with our investigator. One missionary taught me this tactic of making appointments in the street to use my time wisely and to pass for those contacts as soon as possible so they wouldn’t forget us, and the hope and love they felt. We have yet to master it but everyday is better. It’s so important to see and focus on the improvement of the ward, the investigators, and yourself. Our new zone leader, Elder Merrill, said that if we were doing all we could diligently, the Lord would not leave us alone. We had 2 days to find and teach 10 people. We tried our faith and fell short. We were bumbed, but our hearts were determined to just work harder and stay focused. I didn’t like those two days because I was more focused on the number and not on the souls that I wanted to help. This week our district leader, Elder Castro, promised us that if we worked hard this week we would be able to find the families and complete our goals. This week we achieved our goal! Wahooo!! The people we found are beautiful and I am honored and humbled to teach them about the restored gospel.

Gloria is a ancient investigator that immediately let us in when we knocked on her door when she saw we were missionaries. I was so grateful because I was really cold and wet from the snowy rain and the wind.

Rosa (age 83) and Maria (age 81) are good neighbors and the are just the cutest. They are catholic widows with big families and they have a love for Jesus. They loved the spirit of the hymns as my companion and I sang hymns to brighten their day. I pictured them entering the waters of baptism too even though I didn’t challenge them to be baptized yet, Elder Castro reminded me that even though they are older they don’t count for baptisms for the dead yet. Haha he is so funny.

We found the coolest less active family called Ojeda. Francisco is the father with his wife Tamara their son Gonzales (20), Pablo (18), and daughter Bania(11). Gonzalez is the boy that I contacted in the street with Hna Aguilar but this was the second time that I met him in the street and so I made an appointment with Hna Rivas. We passed by and they received us and we hit it off great. I already feel like they are another one of my favorite families here in Chile. We taught them about Lehi’s dream and they were able to evaluate themselves and were they were at in this period of their life and were they wanted to be. Gonzales attended the church with us this week and he greeted everyone with a big smile and hand shake. It was great and now we have a Family Home evening in plans.

I received my Chilean ID! I’M OFFICIALLY CHILEAN! Wahoo!

We had a great meeting with our ward mission leader ‘fill-in’ Hno. Opits and I hope he becomes perfect.

We taught Jose an ancient investigator and challenged him to be baptised and he accepted.

We found Joselyn and Fernanda and taught them. They are great and have a lot of great questions.

We had a Family home evening with the Millaquipai family with our investigators Jaime and Yessenia. The topic was the Book of Mormon and I loved how Jaime shared his feeling on the book and how it is by faith that he believes that it is true. Yessenia knew and answered all of the questions right in the game and she bore her testimony of the truthfulness of the book and how it answered all of her doubts. The members were shocked and I think they were able to evaluate their own faith and testimonies.

Sunday was great because Fernanda gave her first talk on Gratitude. Hno Humberto gave his talk on our freedom to choose and one man gave his testimony on family responsibility and the importance of Seminary.

I Love you! Have a great week!

Hermana Wade

Monday, May 4, 2009

April 27- May 4‏

This week was centered more on fasting. There were three investigator families that asked about fasting. Fasting is a special way of showing faith. Fasting is always hand in hand with prayer and meditation. Fasting is an offering or to sacrifice.

This Sunday was so happy because Manuel Yañez assisted the church so that he can prepare to baptize his son!! Nelida the new convert assisted with her sister Victoria who has a baptism date!! Miriam a member who was excommunicated attended the church after we passed and taught her faith in Jesus after she felt bad because she broke up with her boyfriend. The Reyes family attended the church and are fasting for the father to soften his heart and to attend the church and prepare to baptize Yessenia even though he has been inactive for 8 years. Our new investigator attended the church also named Jose, only after one lesson. This is why it is always important to invite. I hope the 2 families that didn’t come this week will come the next.

I live the street Portillo in the subdivision Villa las Nieves Punta Arenas Chile….look me up on google earth…i serve next to the sea!!

Family, I love you tons! I can’t wait to talk to you Sunday for Mothers Day!

Please send my baptism pictures, and copy of my mission call.

TE AMO hermana wade

Monday, April 27, 2009

April 20- 27‏

I know that President Lovell was chosen by revelation from God to be my mission president. I know that Hermana Rivas is exactly who I need as my companion right now. She is an answer to prayers and is going to help me a lot! She is so loving, funny, spiritual, patient, friendly,a pleasure to be with. She has a lot of really great ideas of ways that we can help the investigators and our members. She is so fast at everything and gets everything done quickly. The man who marries her is very lucky. She is from Salvador too and I am so excited for this transfer! I’m ready to start off this change with a bang. Ready to work work work.

Love you lots hermana wade

I’m sorry I didn’t have time to write a bunch this week.

PS. Please send a charger for my camera! Please send good dance nylons that are thick. thanks! Send extra for my companions, nylons are the best gift here. Please send a photo of my clay project of the tree of life, the word of god and the great and spacious building that I can show my investigators.

Monday, April 20, 2009

April 13- 20‏


Another great week! We passed by for a reference from our zone leaders and told Natalia that God wanted her to listen to this message of love that He had for her personally because God has a great plan for her and he timed it out perfectly that we could bless her life today. Even though she was busy with school work she was convinced and interested in what we had to share so we shared a short film of Jesus Christ called His Hands that betrays His life that we shared with her sister too. I also helped her prepare for an English talk that she had to give tomorrow so I felt good that I could share my spiritual and temporal talents with them.

We have been working with Cristel and her husband Marcel. The members that teach with us say that she likes asking so many questions to find what faults our church has but we don’t mind because there are none.We love her questions and her attentive attention. We taught her the commandments of the Sabbath day and of the Word of Wisdom because she smokes 20 a day. She knows that it is a commandment of God from the Bible and that Book of Mormon and that if she obeys that this will bless her life. She really likes to smoke and drink but she knows that it prohibits the Spirit to dwell in her. She doesn’t believe that she can change but with faith and prayers she can do it.

We taught a great Evangelical family that is a reference from Pilar Reyes. They are great and have a great love for God and Jesus they just need to study the Book of Mormon to have the fullness of the gospel and be baptized in our church to have the authority of God. When I write it like that it seems so easy! If they just have an open heart the spirit will be able to speak to them and testify of our truthful message. All they have to do is read the scriptures, pray,and attend church.

This week on April 15th I completed 6 months in the mission! I have 12months left! Crazy how time flies!

We passed by for Sebastian and Alan our newest members and baptisms to see how they were doing and they are so spiritually in tuned. They are dynamite! They are going to be firm in the gospel I know. They are being an example to everyone and they are excited about finding other friends that are members. I can’t wait to receive a letter in 8 years that they are going on missions!

We were walking in the street trying to find a contact given to us by the zone leaders and they called us and gave us a super sweet scripture, Proverbs 31: 30-31. It was just perfect in the moment as we were knocking doors. Then when we knocked on their door the young woman and her mom received us. We had the best lesson on the Book of Mormon.

We passed by for the family Alarcon with Angelica, Fernanda, and Nicolas. Angelica is always telling her kids to but a jacket on and read their scriptures to prepare for their missions. I could see that this bothered them but I knew it was for their good. Then she started bragging to us about how great her kids are and to prove that it wasn’t just her opinion she started telling us of all the awards and compliments that they receive from other people. By this time I was laughing because she reminds me of my mom because she is tough but it’s only because she loves me and loves bragging about us kids.

Yesenia has a baptism date for May 9th! She and her mom is super strong and knows that this baptism is important. Her parents were sealed in the temple and were active in the Santiago Stake until they had problems with the stake members. They have been inactive for 8 years. The mom has come around and got rid of her Catholic shrine that was in her house because I reminded her that it is a commandment to only have one God and that we shouldn’t pray to Mary. The husband knows that the church is true but has forgotten the important principle of forgiveness to forgive the stake or the church. Yesenia attended the baptism of 4 kids in our stake this week and it was great! Then this Sunday was the first time she attended with her mom. The dad didn’t attend but I’m glad that he at least drove us.

We passed by for Mariana the investigator that was baptized into the Evangelical church and we talked about the Atonement and said our good-bye’s because she is moving to Concepcion so we won’t be able to teach her.

My companion is leaving Punta Arenas to work in Osorno so we have been passing by for members and investigators to say bye. I’m waiting to meet my new companion on Wednesday, it will be great.

I’ll be praying for all of you that you will feel the love of the Savior this week. Always look at the positive. Come what may enjoy your life and all the experiences that come your way. Always remember the 2 greatest commandments love God and then every one around you, and then yourself. I have complete faith in God that he has a plan for me and my family and we just have to follow his will and make covenants with Him and complete them so that He can pour out His blessings upon us.

I miss all of you a lot and want to give you a great big Krista Hug! Ok!?!? Here it is XOXOXOXOXO! Have a great week! I love you! I LOVE YOU!


Monday, April 13, 2009

April 6- 13‏


This week my companion and I had interchanges with the other sisters in Punta Arenas. It was a great learning experience for both my companion and I. She has been having a rough time with her health and it has been affecting our work and relation. So this was a good time to take a breather and refocus on the love we have for the work and eachother. I went with Hermana Fuertes from Bolivia. And Hermana Aguilar went with Hermana Alverez from Argentina. Hermana Fuertes is leaving at the end of this month and had a mountain of wisdom and knowledge, advice, and love to share with me. She helped focus on inviting everyone to read the scriptures, pray always, and attend the church, and LOVE! That was her favorite part about me is that I don’t let anyone pass me in the street with out talking to them. I won’t forget the time when we were in the house filling out an outline for a lesson to practice and when we were all done she looked at me and said with all her heart "Is there something bothering you? I am here and I want to help you. I’m not only here to help the investigators, but you too!" I started crying and let it all out because I felt of her love. That is what I learned, we all just need love. I know that we know of the pure and full Love of Christ and we are here to spread it.

Thank you for calling. I appreciate your concern and your personal love and interest for me. My companion and I went over to apologize and give him a letter and a good-bye present. When we entered the house we found out that he had also bought and made presents for us. There were alot of tears shed. My companion and I shared our testimonies and a scripture. My companion promised him in the name of Christ that if he listened to me and prayed, studied and meditated on this message that he would know of the truth and feel at peace. He shared that since he has been studying with us we has prayed and received beautiful answers from God and terrible experiences from Satan. In the end we are not saying good-bye to him and his family yet. We explained that he needs to be still and listen and not dispute everything that we say. He really is special and I want to give him a chance. Because Joseph Smith prayed and yes at first when he prayed Satan ceased him but with all the energy that he had he was able to over come Satan. After this dark spirit left he saw the glorious light and saw God the Father and His Son, Jesus Christ.

My area is amazing! I love it here! Thank you so much! We have so many people that are almost baptised, I hope they all enter this covenant with God that they know is true!

My companion thinks she is leaving this area and I'm going to miss her, so we had a great p-day, and now I'm waiting for my new comp. Have a great week! Write me and tell me how you are honestly. I LOVE YOU!!!

Love Hermana Wade