Saturday, February 27, 2010

Church Statement on Earthquake in Chile - News Release

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints issued the following statement today following the earthquake in Chile:

"We, along with the rest of the world, are watching with concern as reports from the massive earthquake in Chile continue to unfold. As with any disaster, immediate details are difficult to confirm.

"We have confirmed that all of the Church's missionaries in Chile have reported in and are safe, including the two elders on the Juan Fernandez Island."

Feb 27

Hola Familia!

I’m writing all a little early by request from President Lovell to let all of you know that I am still alive!!. This morning, at 4pm, there was a bad earthquake in Concepciòn Chile. My companion and I had no idea because we were peacefully sleeping but when we left the house at 10:30pm our neighbors had told us that this had happened and that there were a few deaths too. The owners of my house said that they felt the shake for about 45 sec. As missionaries we don’t watch the news so I really don’t know what else is happening.

I love the mission and being a part of the Lords work. He loves us and protects us. The people are saying that there might be a tsunami here on the island. I am not afraid. I know that the church is true and I know our leaders will be in contact with us if we need to escape. We have a church building high up on a hill that will be a great protection. Well CHAO for now! I need to go to work and invite more people to church! Wahooo! HAVE A GREAT SABBATH DAY! Les Mando mucho besos y abrazos. XOXOXOXOX

Your missionary, Hermana Wade

Monday, February 22, 2010

Feb 15-22‏

Hola familia!

I'm here in the most beautiful part of the world! Ancud is a magical place. I love the mission!

This week we had a very spiritual zone conference in Puerto Montt! I loved the trip because we got on a big 2 story bus called a “Cruz del Sur” then we traveled over the Sea in a ship to get to the continent which is about 25min away. Our Zone always leaves the ship to take pictures. It’s so fun!

When we arrived, we went strait to our hotel that over looked the city by the Sea. Then we had a special Family Home Evening with the Elders. My companion and I were in charge of the lesson but I felt it would be cool to have a testimony meeting. It was nice to here their testimonies and get to know them better. I also brought Smores to teach the Latin’s how to make something from the States. The elders ordered Pizza too! I was so happy because I haven’t eaten a good pizza here in Chile! “MMmm Que rico!” I think I started a new Chiloè tradition! Yay! I love good traditions. Then my companion had a fun pillow fight as we jumped on the bed.

Pres. Lovell is my Favorite mission President in the hole world!!! I love his advice! He is the DAD of the mission. I love Sister Lovell too! She is speaking well in Spanish I can tell she has been practicing. We had a special surprise when one of the Seventy came to talk to us. The main message was about being obedient and enjoying the mission. I'm so excited to work hard everyday! I love My Chileans!

Hermana Wade

Monday, February 8, 2010

Feb 1-8‏

Hola Family!!

This transfer was really great. I have learned a lot and I’m excited to have another great transfer here in Chiloé. My companion Hermana Pérez is amazing. She has learned to keep her switch on to the working mood. We are not perfect yet but we work hard to stay focused and dedicated. The greatest miracle this week was that Yerko and Yesenia got married!!! God always answers our prayers. The entire zone was praying for them. There seemed like there was no hope when the Civil Registration said that all of the hours were taken to get married. We also tried talking one man into marrying them for 135.00 pesos through the Civil Registration, but he wasn’t willing to. My companion and I knew that this was the will of God and that there had to be a solution. All we could do is pray. We talked to our Branch President and he talked to the same man and he said that there is a new law here in Chile that all church leaders of all the churches have the right to marry their members, so they filled out the papers in the nick of time to have the most beautiful reception in the church. Pres. Aguilar acted in name of the church for the law. So now Yerko and Yesenia are the first people who have done it and now they are a part of history. They are so excited to get married in the temple in a year. There baptism was beautiful. The members helped out so much with the reception so that we could do our missionary work. It was great to have the support of the family of Yerko too.I LOVE YOU ALL!!!

Hermana Wade

Monday, February 1, 2010

Hermana Krista Wade

Jan 25- Feb 1‏

Hola familia!

Hope you all enjoyed the photos my companion sent you of the family that is getting prepared to get married and baptized and other pictures of us on the Island of Chiloè.
The Lord continues to mold me into the person that he wants me to be. I know that I can be better. I know the Lord love us. My companion is a hard worker and an amazing teacher. We are a great complement. She is a great communicator and talks a lot. I think we are like Pres. Lovell and Hna Lovell. Pres Lovell likes to read and study the scriptures. Sister Lovell loves to have fun and talk about her family. Well and for a lot of other reasons but I can’t tell you all our secrets. We are a great complement and we help the other in their weaknesses’. I’m trying to help her understand that it’s important to be diligent and do the will of the Father. The mission and the days go by so fast. I love the days that we can come home and plan and talk about the things that we can change and for all the good things that happened. We have to stay enthusiastic with goals and plans. She has also taught me to me to love all different cultures and people. I’m amazed at her conversion story and that she is still strong in the church. A lot of bad things happened to her as a convert in the church and that is why it is so Important to befriend everyone that enters the church building wither they are active, less active or inactive. Here in Chile, all the wards have missionaries and they ask the members to visit investigators and less active. When I was there we never feed the missionaries and they never asked us to visit investigators or less actives but I’m excited to get to work with the missionaries in Arizona.
We are teaching families that have a lot of different problems and I feel the love that God has for each one of them. I know that they can change and I’m thankful for the support that they have from their families.

Love Hermana Wade and Hna Pèrez!!