Monday, January 26, 2009

Te Amo Mucho

Hola family

It was another wonderful week!

It was my first experience witnessing an Evangelico prayer. Wow! We shared the pictures (laminas) of Jesus Christ’s life and his ministry with the 3 active Evangelico women. It was interesting how they agreed with a lot of thing that we testified of. Evangelicos are like Mormon want-to-be’s. They clam they have the priesthood authority and they give it to women in their church also. They claim they have the correct baptism because they do water by immersion also but they lack the authority.

I was very saddened by their manner of prayer when one woman offered the closing prayer. The prayer started off with saying Lord over and over which bothers me because I think it’s almost like taking His name in vain. Then she started yelling and the other women followed yelling the same thing. I started praying that they would stop. My companion started poking me and so I peeked at her and she pointed in the direction of the women, so I looked and they were standing and waving there arms up over there head and yelling. By this time the Spirit was long gone and my body quaked and I was almost nauseous because of the feeling in that room. I felt like she was calling all the demons of Satan himself. Finally the chanting stopped!

I wouldn’t ever in my life say Amen to such Blasphemy. I just packed up my things and said good-bye. As I hugged them good-bye her body was shaking and her eyes were watery. She also had an evil grin on her face as if she was proud of herself for calling the demons. I just had to shake my head and leave because I was dizzy and the room was spinning. I gasped for air because I was suffocating in that room. Then I offered up a prayer to gain back his spirit.

Later I thought of how Joseph Smith would stop the situation by saying ‘‘Silence ye heathens of the earth. I command you in the name of the Son Jesus to Be Still or you and I will die this instant!’’ I’m pretty sure it talks about the Holy ghost in there bible too and I’m sure it talks about how the Spirits voice isn’t in the earthquake or in the thunder, but it is a still small voice that comes as a good thought and a peaceful feeling.

My companion and I found a house to one of our contacts and the women said that we couldn’t come in because her son was sick. So my companion and I asked if we could come inside and offer a prayer to bless her son with health. She let us in when we said we wouldn’t take a lot of her time. We entered, introduced ourselves and offered up a sweet prayer to bless him with health and bless their house, and then we set up an appointment for next week. I was so thankful for this experience and offered a prayer of thanks for that special moment.

When Marisol one of our investigators went to Beldivia to see her family they talked her into not getting baptized and that she should separate from Hno. Patricio and not get married. So when we stopped by his house he told us this and that they were separated. I was devastated because I knew what it was like for my family, parents and siblings. So as I prayed for them daily. Yesterday we stopped by their house and my companion asked me to share a scripture and I shared the 2nd article of faith…man will be punished for his own sins and not for Adams transgressions. This gave me hope that I would only suffer from my own sins and not from others. They later announced that they were back together!! I don’t know what happened but I’m sure the prayers helped. I’m glad that I shared my experience and testified of the importance of families.

Hermana Carmela the recent convert is sharing the gospel with others...oh happy day!Two investigators attended the church with us this week and it was a great experience to explain the importance of the sacrament and the symbolism. It was perfect because Elder Galatti testified of the Sacrament and all the leaders in the church spoke about the priesthood and gave great advice on how to raise his family.

Sorry I haven’t responded I’ll read the letters tonight. Today is the first time that I was able to copy so I’ll write ya’ll latter.

I just found out that I'm going to PUNTA ARENAS!!!! WAHOOOO! GOD LOVES ME AND ANSWERS MY PRAYERS EVERYDAY!!!! Ya buddy! : D My companion is Hermana Aguilar! I’ll tell ya more latter! I’m on the top of the world right now. Chow! Cuidense!

Love Hermana Wade

Monday, January 19, 2009

First Baptism


This week Hermana Maria Carmela Garcia Inferno was baptized in the Iglesia de Jesucristo de los Santos de los Últimos Días. She was my first baptism on the mission and what a great experience that was! She has a strong testimony of the Bible and is gaining a love for el Libro de Mormon and the prophets. I was worried that her friends or family might persuade her to not be baptized but she persevered and now she just has to persevere to the end.

The spirit was so strong as she and the other sister was baptized. The meeting in the House of the Lord was filled with the Holy Ghost and brought us to tears because baptism gives all of us hope, happiness, and a clean countenance. I could see it in their eyes and feel there spirit rejoice as they bore testimony of the experience. The hymns and special musical number brought everyone in attendances spirit to rejoice together of this important covenant. I’m so thankful for the covenants that I have made and strive to keep them daily to make another covenant of sealing that is of great importance.

When the sister bore her testimony for the first time she said that it was her first of many, and I thought the same thing about bringing people into the waters of baptism.

Thank you for the updates.

Hermana Wade

I think this is my address:
Hermana Wade
Mackena 987
oficina 3 edificio paillahue
region x
osorno chile

Monday, January 12, 2009


SORRY NO LETTER FOR MY FANS THIS WEEK. I WANT TO READ AND RESPOND TO ALL THE LETTERS. It takes 2 weeks to get letters so I think I’ll be writing more on the computer, and we really don’t have much writing time. I know ya'll understand. Just know I love you lots and I love hearing from all of you. I’m so proud of you! I can see how the lord has been poring out blessings upon all of you and I see that all of you have become more firm in the gospel. It brings me to my knees to pour out my heart my gratitude for your testimonies. My life is blessed. I’m thankful for the hard times that make me more grateful for the good times.I love all of you lots! Te amo para siempre!

Hermana Wade


Presidente Lovell!
I’m so excited to see you tomorrow! Wahoo! It will be great to meet again and to be spiritually uplifted with my missionary friends in the work of the Lord!

This week was great! My companion is patient with me and we have become close friends. I love talking with her! She has so much to offer and I live off of her words of wisdom. She is a great teacher. The more we talk the more I learn and love her.

The language is getting better everyday. I’m understanding the Chileans better because I’m listening to every word that I hear and I peace together all the words I learn and then if it is appropriate, I ask what a word is that I haven’t heard before. When I’m not talking with the Chileans I’m reading and studying. I’m also reading out loud from a little Spanish book to my companion so that she can correct my pronunciation. I think it is helping me feel more comfortable speaking Spanish. It is so important to speak there language and tounge so reading aloud is helping it get engrained in my head. I’ve also been reading from the Book of Mormon in Spanish every chance I get, and I hope to finish it with the rest of the missionaries by March.

Thank you so much for the privilege to have lunch with Hermana Patty Leal everyday as my Mamita! I love her so much! She is a valiant virtuous woman of truth! She was a previous missionary and she helps me understand more about the gospel from a Chile stand point, and when I talk to her I understand the needs for the investigators and members in Alerce. Wow! If you haven’t met her or talked to her you should. She is an example to me because she follows the example of Jesus and lives the gospel. I want my family to be like hers. I love watching the love that her husband and children have for each other and for the gospel.

Hermana Carmela promised to be baptized 17-Enero-2009! I’m so excited for her and hope she realizes how important this is in her life. I don’t think I did when I was 8 years old but I’m so eternally grateful! This gospel is my life! I’m so grateful for my faithful ancestors that started this legacy of following Christ and enduring to the end.

Sincerely your sister in the work,
Hermana Wade