Monday, May 25, 2009

May 17-25‏

Hola mi familia!

I’m so happy! I love everyday. It is fun because it snows some days and all the people here are always telling us to be careful because the frozen streets. My companion and I walk like we are on and ice rink it is so fun. I did fall once but it wasn’t too bad because my companion and a member was there to catch my arm. I’m so thankful that I have had great health here on the mission. Thanks to my mom for the warm clothes, and for the members and investigators for inviting us in there warm homes and hot chocolate.

This week we definitely focused on our less active families. We have two families that have kids that are waiting for their fathers to be active in the church so that their fathers can baptize them. I am practicing my patients with them because they weren’t progressing, but this Sunday they attended church and are going to have interviews with the bishop! Then there were 5 less active members! I was so happy. It is hard but I look up to them a lot for being humble to do the will of our Heavenly Father. My advice is to not listen to gossip, and Always Forgive. I shared with one that my family let bad feelings settle for 10 years but then it was a miracle and the greatest blessing to see part of my family back together. I can’t help but cry happy tears. It is so beautiful. I’m praying and hoping that one day very soon that all of us will be able to renew our relationships.

Karen that had a baptism date had problems with her mom and now we can’t pass by her house. She was our golden investigator that accepted Joseph Smith as the prophet of the Restoration. She received an answer to her prayer when she learned about Heavenly Fathers plan for her personally because she always wanted to know why she had a little disability. We even taught her the Word of Wisdom and she was willing to accept and live this commandment of health. My companion and I believe that her mother was there telling her what to say because she had never talked or acted like that before. I have a hope that we will be able to share with her in a different members house and that she can continue to Read the Book of Mormon.

Love ya’ll

Hermana Wade

Sunday, May 17, 2009

May 10- 17‏


What a great week! I love the mission! My companion is the best! Hermana Rivas helps me so much. She is really funny and makes me laugh through out the day. She teases me when I forget something and says that I’m in love with the elders. Ha it is so funny. We have also been counting all of our many blessings through out the day and then we write down all of the miracles that happen to us and to our investigators, contacts and members on a calendar of Jesus Christ. I was grateful that my companion happened to receive a great big box from a friend in the US the same day I received the big box of goodies!

We were able to teach a girl that we contacted in the street called Camila that is 17years old with her mom Marcela, and her sister Francisca. We talked about the Book of Mormon and the promised to read a chapter. Then when we taught them the second time the father was there and he was pleasant at first and we shared, The 3 Simple ways to have a Happier Family, and it was great but then when we ended with the prayer he changed. He put his ugly face on and said that his family was Catholic and didn’t want us to pass by. This made me feel ugly inside at first but then as my companion lead the conversation to end beautifully again we thanked them for their time to share this great message and invited them to always share with missionarys.

This week was a miracle because Hernan Castro the father of Yessenia attended church as a surprise. I have to give the credit to the thoughtful card that my companion wrote to invite him specifically to the church. It was the miracle that we have been praying for. Then he invited us to have a special Sunday lunch with him and his family to get to know eachother more. This was great progress because before he didn’t want us to pass by any more because Yessenia told him that she wanted to be baptized by him but if he didn’t want to she was going to ask an elder. Luckily, the mom Alejandra was firm and said that it was her house too and that she was going to let us pass by to give her and her two daughters the lessons, and to attend FHE night with the members, and all the Sunday meetings. Hernan enjoyed the talk by Hermano Espinosa the first counselor about his conversion story about how the bishop helped activate him so that he could have a counselor and all the blessings that he has received. He also told the congregation the FHE experience he had with Yessenia and was so impressed with her testimony of how the Book of Mormon has answered all of her doubts and now Hno Espinosa has recommitted himself to read the whole Book of Mormon again. Everyone was so proud of her. Lunch was delicious and I enjoyed getting to know him better. Alejandra and Yessenia said that he can be mean but I’m not scared of him because I only see his good side. We taught them the five principles of the gospel, faith in Jesus Christ, Repentance, Baptism, Gift of the Holy Ghost and Enduring to the End. They have the first four because they are members but haven’t attended the church for 8 years they just need to remember this covenant by exercising the first four daily to complete the fifth. He then shared a scripture in D&C about hypocrites in the church and how this was the last scripture that he shared in a talk before he left the church. He explained bad experiences he had but then he also shared his testimony that he knew that this is the only true church and that it is perfect. He just has a problem forgiving the imperfect members and knows they are just human. He wants to gain a stronger testimony and attend all of the meetings, pray, have FHE, etc. and to be full active in the church never to leave again. I love this test that he went through and he is now refocused on his goal to win this test to return to live with his family with his Heavenly Father. Don’t let the bad decisions of others affect your salvation and progression to your goal. Hernan asked me to open with the prayer and then he offered a sweet prayer of thanks.

We have been working with the members more and I am so thankful to have Hna Loreto that is a faithful member missionary. She is a great blessing in this work for us as missionaries and all of the investigators love her to pieces as well. Even though she has 3 boys 16, 7, and 5 years old she is always ready to leave with us. I’m thankful for her son that is always willing to babysit to give his mom a little brake.

We also have an awesome investigator, Karen, who has a baptism date after 3 days because we brought Loreto to all of the lessons and she invited us to a baptism of the Estrecho ward. It was so glad that I could attend this baptism of my friend Joel that has been waiting to receive this baptism until he was 18 years old as an adult because his Catholic family wouldn’t sign the agreement but I was so glad that they attended. It was an emotional day for him. Karen liked it a lot and felt very special in the church with the members. As we waited after the baptism we watched a video about the church and she liked how it related to the story of Joseph Smith which we had taught the night before.


Love Hermana Wade

I have a family goal for all of us that if we read the whole Book of Mormon by the time school starts again that all of us will have a great change and become that much more closer to that person that Heavenly Father wants us to be by the time school starts up again.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

May 4-10‏


This week we taught Cristel more about the importance of prayer and how prayers of faith brings many blessings. She smokes 20 cigarettes a day which is equal to two packs a day. I’m not an experienced smoker so don’t quote me on that.

Last week our numbers were really low and we were not having great success. We were trying to make fixed appointments with those contacts that would let us and with our investigator. One missionary taught me this tactic of making appointments in the street to use my time wisely and to pass for those contacts as soon as possible so they wouldn’t forget us, and the hope and love they felt. We have yet to master it but everyday is better. It’s so important to see and focus on the improvement of the ward, the investigators, and yourself. Our new zone leader, Elder Merrill, said that if we were doing all we could diligently, the Lord would not leave us alone. We had 2 days to find and teach 10 people. We tried our faith and fell short. We were bumbed, but our hearts were determined to just work harder and stay focused. I didn’t like those two days because I was more focused on the number and not on the souls that I wanted to help. This week our district leader, Elder Castro, promised us that if we worked hard this week we would be able to find the families and complete our goals. This week we achieved our goal! Wahooo!! The people we found are beautiful and I am honored and humbled to teach them about the restored gospel.

Gloria is a ancient investigator that immediately let us in when we knocked on her door when she saw we were missionaries. I was so grateful because I was really cold and wet from the snowy rain and the wind.

Rosa (age 83) and Maria (age 81) are good neighbors and the are just the cutest. They are catholic widows with big families and they have a love for Jesus. They loved the spirit of the hymns as my companion and I sang hymns to brighten their day. I pictured them entering the waters of baptism too even though I didn’t challenge them to be baptized yet, Elder Castro reminded me that even though they are older they don’t count for baptisms for the dead yet. Haha he is so funny.

We found the coolest less active family called Ojeda. Francisco is the father with his wife Tamara their son Gonzales (20), Pablo (18), and daughter Bania(11). Gonzalez is the boy that I contacted in the street with Hna Aguilar but this was the second time that I met him in the street and so I made an appointment with Hna Rivas. We passed by and they received us and we hit it off great. I already feel like they are another one of my favorite families here in Chile. We taught them about Lehi’s dream and they were able to evaluate themselves and were they were at in this period of their life and were they wanted to be. Gonzales attended the church with us this week and he greeted everyone with a big smile and hand shake. It was great and now we have a Family Home evening in plans.

I received my Chilean ID! I’M OFFICIALLY CHILEAN! Wahoo!

We had a great meeting with our ward mission leader ‘fill-in’ Hno. Opits and I hope he becomes perfect.

We taught Jose an ancient investigator and challenged him to be baptised and he accepted.

We found Joselyn and Fernanda and taught them. They are great and have a lot of great questions.

We had a Family home evening with the Millaquipai family with our investigators Jaime and Yessenia. The topic was the Book of Mormon and I loved how Jaime shared his feeling on the book and how it is by faith that he believes that it is true. Yessenia knew and answered all of the questions right in the game and she bore her testimony of the truthfulness of the book and how it answered all of her doubts. The members were shocked and I think they were able to evaluate their own faith and testimonies.

Sunday was great because Fernanda gave her first talk on Gratitude. Hno Humberto gave his talk on our freedom to choose and one man gave his testimony on family responsibility and the importance of Seminary.

I Love you! Have a great week!

Hermana Wade

Monday, May 4, 2009

April 27- May 4‏

This week was centered more on fasting. There were three investigator families that asked about fasting. Fasting is a special way of showing faith. Fasting is always hand in hand with prayer and meditation. Fasting is an offering or to sacrifice.

This Sunday was so happy because Manuel Yañez assisted the church so that he can prepare to baptize his son!! Nelida the new convert assisted with her sister Victoria who has a baptism date!! Miriam a member who was excommunicated attended the church after we passed and taught her faith in Jesus after she felt bad because she broke up with her boyfriend. The Reyes family attended the church and are fasting for the father to soften his heart and to attend the church and prepare to baptize Yessenia even though he has been inactive for 8 years. Our new investigator attended the church also named Jose, only after one lesson. This is why it is always important to invite. I hope the 2 families that didn’t come this week will come the next.

I live the street Portillo in the subdivision Villa las Nieves Punta Arenas Chile….look me up on google earth…i serve next to the sea!!

Family, I love you tons! I can’t wait to talk to you Sunday for Mothers Day!

Please send my baptism pictures, and copy of my mission call.

TE AMO hermana wade