Monday, November 30, 2009

Nov 23- 30

Hola familia!

This week was really great. My companion and I are progressing with our goals and making them a reality. I’m so excited for all of our investigators because now they all have this goal to be baptized, it has been hard, but I’m expecting to see lots of miracles to happen at the end of the month. I’m busy teaching, trying to get my friends married and baptized here in Villarrica.

Tuesday we had our Zone Conference in Valdivia. It was really great because I always feel like I have so much to change and do better. This conference was focused on how we need to work with the members. We also focused on how to teach with good questions so that the investigators understand and apply the scriptures to their lives. I also loved how President Lovell focused on the love that we need to have for the work, the investigators, and love for God.

Some blessings that happened this week was when my companion felt to go down a street that we didn’t have in our planes. I knew she had received revelation but when we knocked the first door at the man rejected us trying to speak in English before we could even say “hola”. I prayed that we could find the family that was waiting for us, and then I knocked on the door and found the family. We are a great team! The husband is from Columbia, Victor, and his wife, Lorena, is Chilean. Their daughter Tammara is 8-years-old and Daniel is 6 months. We also sang “I am a child of God” to a bus driver to cheer him up it was a cool experience!

My companion is a really great missionary. I’m learning so much from her. I hope I can become more like her. I’m trying to become a good mix of all the different attributes that I have seen here on my mission. I LOVE YOU ALL!!!

I had a great p-day in cabin of family Allende to de-stress a bit and we ate a great big meal. Hna Rosita helped me with some things I’m doing for Christmas for the ward.

Thanks for sending your emails to President Lovell. I got them. I’ll be able to read the rest tomorrow because i have to come back to copy all the letters I have onto the pin drive that I just bought. Thanks.


Monday, November 23, 2009

Nov 16- 23


This is the second week that I haven't gotten any emails. Please forgive me if I have said anything to offend all of you. Don't forget I love you a lot. I hope everything is great and that you have a great thanksgiving day! I am so thankful for everyone of you for being a big part of my life.

I have a surprise.....I have a GRINGA companion!! She is from Las Vegas, Nevada! Her name is Hermana Elizabeth Whisenhunt! The members had a hard time pronouncing her name but they eventually got it. She is 6ft tall with big beautiful blue eyes. I love how everyone just stares. Everyone understands here that she looks more German when we were walking down the street someone shouted out “GUTEN TAG” which means “Good Day” in German.

I LOVE MY COMPANION!! She is a great missionary that loves to keep the mission rules. She has been a great help to me about the mission schedule. She was an answer to my prayers. She understands the importance of prayer, fasting, planes and the schedule. We are going to reach our goals here on the mission together. She also loves hiking and working out so we are going to have some fun too. I’m glad that I will have a companion that I can see more often then again I’ve only ben to Vegas three times with the marching band and once with the family.This week Hermana Guevara said bye to a lot of the members and the investigators that had an impact on her. It was sad to see her go but changes are good for us and helps us grow. I’m happy for her because she got just what she wanted to be with my other Salvador companion Hermana Rivas and now they are in Osorno as a trio.

That same day that Hermana Whisenhunt came I stopped by for Fransisco who is the step dad of two converts and a man that is living with a less active member Otilia. We have been sharing with him for about 2 months he has attended the church twice and he still dosen’t like it because it is different then what he is use to in the Evangelist church. He was a preacher for a couple of years but now he doesn’t want to pray. I talked to him about the scripture in 2 Nephi that says that the devil teaches a man not to pray and the Holy Ghost teaches a man that he should pray always. It is so true. I really want him to progress but he can’t if he is not praying personally or with us. He dosen’t understand that his relationship is bad and that is why it is bad with his girlfriend. He wants to get married but Hermana Otilia dosen’t want to get married to another man that isn’t a member. I pray that I will know his need and that the spirit can always be there when we teach I think we are going to talk about the Holy Ghost because his understanding is different. I was insisting that he could give the closing prayer so that he could open the windows of heaven and talk to God for the first time in a long time. He said I was “porfiado” which means that I insist too much. I started to cry because he dosen’t understand that we are trying to help him have a better relationship with God and his girlfriend. He felt really bad that I was crying and said that he would pray the next time. Hermana Otilia attended church alone this Sunday it is really sad to me that he is letting his pride separate his family. Hermana Otilia said that he is hard hearted and that they are going to separate before he gets baptized. I am going to keep passing so he understands more. I want them to be an eternal family.

Hermana Wade

Monday, November 16, 2009

Nov 9- 16

Hello loved ones!

Well it looks like no one wrote me for the first time in the mission. Haha very funny. I’m sure there is a good explanation but I hope everything is ok because it’s not usual.

This week was good. We are teaching Michael and his brother Sebastian and they are dynamite! I love them like my little brothers! They are so special to me because I had contacted him one day in the street and I fixed an appointment with him and wasn’t able to pass by and then one day God being loving and merciful led me by his door and I felt an urge go through one gate to contact the family that lived in the back of another house and when Michael (Caupolican 1540B) opened the door he said he had been waiting for me! I felt embarrassed that I had forgot him because we talk to so many people everyday that it is hard to remember all of them I was so grateful that God gave me a second chance to bless this boy and his big family with the joyful message that I have been send to give him. Sebastian has really changed too! He is such a bright innocent kid. He listens to us and feels the Spirit and knows that we teach the truth. I love how sweet and pure little children are and that is why I Love the scripture Mosiah 3:19! Children are obedient, humble, and full of love. Ramon and his brother Carlos are recent converts and are helping us teach them and be their friends.

We have been passing by for Hna Loreto that is in-active. It’s sad to see her miss out on so many blessings that her family could have but it’s just because she doesn’t understand and her pride gets the best of her. She has a great man but dosen’t want to get married. She has a bad relationship with her oldest twin daughters that are 10 years old because the oldest wants to get baptised but the mom won’t let her because she lies. Pati is a good girl, I know that things would be a lot better if she had the support of her parents and the gift of the Holy Ghost to help her make good decisions. Pati said that her primary teacher told her that if she didn’t get baptized the sin would be on the head of her parents and of course Loreto was upset by this but it’s true and she can’t be mad at God for the truth. God has blessed her with 4 beautiful kids and one on the way. It makes me sad that way she talks to her kids and she dosen’t even want to say prayers. We made her comite to having FHE with her family every week. I am hoping to see big great results.

My companion and I are focused on having lessons with members and we have been seeing great miracles. We have found less actives and have found old investigators. Which has also been a great way to find new people to teach.A less active member, Laura, found us in the street and she wanted us to pass by her house right away and so right after the appointment that we had we stopped by. She was frustrated and didn’t know what to do about her husband that had left her and her kids. She told us that this happened 10 years ago because he had 7 other kids with 7 other women. She was worried about money but I told her the best thing that she could do is get divorced to him and start attending church so that she could be ok in the sight of the Lord.

Emilio and Estefanys are good and we taught them about following the prophet with Hno Patricio. We didn’t talk about marriage because we think they are burned out by the topic. It is hard to work with people that don’t understand the great value of being obedient.

We talked to Eliseu who is ‘Atheist’. He dosen’t understand God and he told us that Satan visits him in his dreams. He likes the Mormons because he admires how the pioneers made the long trip and because we are good at farming and because of the old belief of many wives. It is sad to see the way Satan destroys good men. My companion couldn’t help but laugh at this couple because his wife is a loud Catholic woman and is always screaming at her deaf husband.

We visited Yerty with the Allende family and I loved how special they make our investigators feel. They took the time to tell her that they felt very special in her presents and that they knew that she would be a great member someday.

Then the Allende family got to know Alicia and Luis who are catholics as my companion and I did service washing dishes. I loved how they taught and shared scriptures with them because they were catholics before too. Hno Allende shared his testimony with authority and challenged Luis to prepare to hold the priesthood. They are reading the book of mormon and they think it is really interesting. They are Mapuche (which is the indians in Chile) so my companion and I hope that they see how the people in the BOM are the same.

The “papitos” are serious about getting separated. I don’t understand people that can let little things get the better of them. If only there was more love, forgiveness, and understanding that we let into our hearts. Why don’t people take the baptism covenant and the temple covenant more seriously. Do they understand that their salvation is at stake? I know for a fact that it is because small and simple things that we do or don’t do everyday that will be for our salvation or destruction. Like in all cases it is because they are not reading the scriptures, saying companion prayer, and working on Sundays. We will be having a FHE with them this week together hopefully so that we can talk them out of it. This will make it hard to baptize the dad of Ida and to activate her family now that they are thinking about separation.Really separation can happen to anyone that is not daily trying to make things better.

Fransisco refused to sing a hymn, say a prayer and talk to us about religion. But we did anyways. He wants to get married to Hna Otilia but she wont get married to him unless he is a member. He has a lot of pride and dosen’t understand God. He dosen’t want to pray, read scriptures, or attend our church because he was raised Evangelical. But as my companion showed him that all of these bad feelings come from Satan and not from God he told us that we would attend church with us and then that evening attend his church to see the difference in Spirit.

Well I think my companion is going to be leaving me. We ate lunch with the Elders but they didn’t want to tell us the changes so I guess the next week will be a surprise for you too to know if I have a new companion or not. I know I HAVE A LOT OF WORK TO DO. And I will not rest until it is done. I’m setting higher goals and I know I will reach them with the help of my Savior. I’ll be sad loseing her because we both talk in Spanish, English and Sign Languagae.

Sunday is always a highlight of the week when investigators come to church. This Sunday was very special because we reached our standards and because it was Seminary Graduation! Patricio Huillquemia received top awards and it was special because his less active family came. Hno Onate helped set apart his wife as the Relief Society President secretary.

Hermana Wade

PS. If anyone is wanting to know what I would like for Christmas it would be black thick dance tights, and the book of Mormon in Spanish on CD because there are alot of investigators that can’t read and I even have a couple who are blind. To order “El libro de Mormon” in Spanish here it is 25.000 mil pesos. Is there anyway that you could send me 5 copys. I would like if it is on DVD so it only takes up one instead of 5 CD’s.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Nov 2- 9‏

Hola mi Familia!

This week we taught Estefanys and Emilio the law of chastity and the lights went out in all the city so that Satan could stop this couple from making the decision to get married. But we were diligent and taught them by flashlight from our cellular phone after 20 minutes God answered our prayers and we were able to challenge them to keep the law of chastity and they said no because Emilio’s family doesn’t know about them investigating the church yet. Estefanys family knows and is excited about them getting married but thinks the 28 of November is too fast. Estefanys wants a big wedding party and I assured her that she didn’t need to worry about money because I knew that our members would help her decorate the chapel and even find out a way to get a cabin for their honeymoon. I was so serious that I was about to give them my Irish wedding ring to use as her wedding ring. I really want them to be more worried about keeping this commandment and concerned about what God thinks of them. I know that God will bless them by not focusing on the money or what others think of them.

Then Wednesday we taught them with the Elders and they hit a key principle that we need to focus on as missionaries because if we focus on the problem or sin our investigators won’t understand that it doesn’t matter what the commandment is only that we have faith in Jesus, repent, we are obedient, we receive a baptism by immersion and receive the gift of the Holy Ghost by the laying on of hands, and endure to the end of Eternal life. I loved how Elder Merrill and Elder Minor taught with drawing a triangle and showed the Importance of how when our relation is drawing closer to God it results with drawing closer to our spouse too. I was sad that they decided to go to their cabin instead of going to church. We might put them on vacation for two weeks so that they can see the difference on how they feel the Spirit when we bring it into their home.

We taught Joana and Carlos a similar lesson so that they could prepare to be married and baptized too. They are preparing to get baptized the 12th of December, but Joana had a bad attitude when we passed with the Allende Family to take them to church so Carlos attended alone.

There was a kid from California that is half Chilean named Tomas that came up and talked to me in English. It was fun. It was hard keeping it all English. I left my email so that he could write me when he gets baptized.

Diego is a nine year old boy that wants to get baptized but we can’t until his parents are active and the mom wants to be but gives the excuse that her husband will never be so there is no point. I’m praying for a miracle because it has been difficult to find members to pass by for them because she only has Sundays free.

We found a great big family with 5 girls that want to get married with the mom Margarita. They said there dad is Catholic but we assured them that he will understand that we are representatives of Jesus and his restored gospel so that his family can be baptized in the way Jesus taught us.

The Soto family is very special because every time we pass by to teach their son Diego to get baptized he isn’t there but their friend is. Her name is Gladis and she has lots of problems and I love how Hermana Akela Herda shares her testimony of the church with her friends to ease the weight.

We passed by for a reference that the Elders gave us and this family was amazing the mom Ana and her daughters Hazmine, and Carla. They understood that the baptism of Jesus was perfect and that we need to follow his example. Then the dad came home and walked up stairs to avoid us. I know he will come around. I am enjoying the many blessings of following the indicated keys of the mission because my mission president is proud that we have making it a goal to complete the 15 lessons with members every week. The members need to feel the spirit of the Lords work and to share their testimonies to be strengthened.

The Oñate family is working with us a lot and they have received so many blessings because of their righteousness. I’m so proud of them because they are working on getting married in the temple. Hno Oñate received the Melchizedek Priesthood and received a calling.

Hna Mirella was less active from going through a hard trial but she knows that it is important that she endures to the end, she left with us to share her testimony and she felt so good. I was so proud of the way she taught her neighbors the truthfulness of the living Christ.

We have a great ward mission leader called Jorge who suffers from scitzophrenia. His family is from Columbia and has had various challenges but I’m so thankful that they are in our ward as active strong members. Jorge teaches the classes every Domingo and always welcomes our investigators. He is always ready to tract with us or has meetings with us.

I love the MISSION! I love serving my Chilean family! I know this is where he wants me! I LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH! Have a happy unforgettable week. Aim for high goals and make the best of your life.

Love your missionary, Hermana Wade

Monday, November 2, 2009

Oct 26- Nov 2‏

Hey family!

I sent you all a postcard in the big envelope that I sent mom for her birthday!! Hope you all enjoy it and know that I love you!!!

My investigators are doing great. We ha a special lunch with Estefanys and Emilio to talk to them more about how important that they get married and we left a chastity pamphlet so that they could read it and be ready to accept a marriage date this month. Patricio Mora is now the Young Men’s President. Michael is a young man that is investigating the church and has baptism date for this month. His uncle is a return missionary so that is helping him a lot but his mom doesn’t want to talk to us yet. This family is big family of 7 kids and the mom is single, I know he will get baptized with his family. We knocked on His door and he said he was waiting for us. Family Carrasco is a family full of less active priesthood holders we are working on the young men so that they can be active and serve missions. Fransisco is progressing slowly because he has been fighting with his wife but he is now kneeling and praying with his family will change a lot of things. My companion found a cool lesson bout how the church is going to strengthen his family and I love it because it is a great warrior visual. (Alma 50). We talked with Roxana so that her son Diego could get baptized but she still doesn’t want to go to church because her husband is inactive and she felt very embarrassed when she went to the temple alone so then she didn’t want to enter. We are going to talk to both of his parents so that they can be active. Yerty is having problems with Felix drinking. It’s hard to share with him because he works so late, but we are going to leave him homework to read so that he stops drinking and works on his relationship with Yerty and prepares for baptism.

There are lots of barriers but I Know that I’m just going to look past them and teach, testify, and love my investigators my beloved brothers and sisters and show them by example the truthfulness of the gospel.

Hermana Wade