Saturday, February 27, 2010

Feb 27

Hola Familia!

I’m writing all a little early by request from President Lovell to let all of you know that I am still alive!!. This morning, at 4pm, there was a bad earthquake in Concepciòn Chile. My companion and I had no idea because we were peacefully sleeping but when we left the house at 10:30pm our neighbors had told us that this had happened and that there were a few deaths too. The owners of my house said that they felt the shake for about 45 sec. As missionaries we don’t watch the news so I really don’t know what else is happening.

I love the mission and being a part of the Lords work. He loves us and protects us. The people are saying that there might be a tsunami here on the island. I am not afraid. I know that the church is true and I know our leaders will be in contact with us if we need to escape. We have a church building high up on a hill that will be a great protection. Well CHAO for now! I need to go to work and invite more people to church! Wahooo! HAVE A GREAT SABBATH DAY! Les Mando mucho besos y abrazos. XOXOXOXOX

Your missionary, Hermana Wade

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